25 April 2015

CYOS: An Alternate Path to Konoha

So today's post will have something a bit different. I converted an upcoming AtO alternate omake thing into a different story format. Instead of a plain old linear story format, I wanted to try doing a “Choose your own story/adventure” type format where you, the reader, choose what Harry does and see what happens.

There are 8 unique endings (which is probably a bit excessive) and multiple paths to them. It's an experiment with google forms, so don't expect too much from it. It's not very complex with plot or choices. And it's probably too obvious and easy to reach the 'true' ending. But I hope you enjoy it none the less.

Here's the link for it: An Alternate Path to Konoha

If you dislike the CYOS format or don't have the time to mess around with this, don't worry I'll post the linear story in a separate upcoming post.

Any feedback, corrections or suggestions would be appreciated.

Replies for Ask-box comments

1. Have you ever considered writing a book? Or an original piece of fiction? Your descriptions are a little confusing sometimes but you certainly have a lot of ideas (and i enjoy all of them!) so have you ever considered it?
Ugh, descriptions. The bane of my writing life. It's right up there with writing romance. Levelling up that aspect of my writing is a slow and painful process but one day... one day in the very far future I shall be able to describe a scene properly.

I do write original fiction. The biggest challenge with any writing for me, especially the big projects, is completing it. So while I do love the idea of putting out a book in the future, I think I need to be a bit more serious about my writing schedule and habits before that can happen.

2.Hey there! I just wanted to tell you that i sometimes have trouble seeing the comments after a bog post. And since i can't see them i also can't leave comments there either. Other than that i pretty much love everything you post!
I'm not sure why that's happening for you. Maybe if there aren't any comments on the post then the Disqus comment section just doesn't show up? I don't know what I can do for that but I'll look into it.

3. You know, in your "Against the Odds" story, I'm certain Naruto would go to great lengths to make sure Harry doesn't find out about his "Sexy-Jutsu"! Thoughts?
I actually do have something about the sexy-jutsu coming up (It's in the draft, don't know if it will survive all the edits before being published). I haven't gone with this route in the story, but I think it's definitely possible. Naruto would probably have a clone close to Harry at all times. And the instant someone tries to mention the sexy jutsu, bam. A clone rushes to interrupt/knock the speaker away/drag Harry away to some sort of fake emergency.

That's all for now,

08 April 2015

Alternate Jobs: Bartender Harry

First, some quick replies to some messages sent in through the ask box.

1. Did you change your settings?I can't see your blog properly. I'm not sure if you can see this either.
I do break the coding a lot on here when I experiment with the layout. Over the past few weeks, I've deleted and moved some things as part of a much needed clean-up. But nothing seems broken to me. Could you be more specific about what you're having problems with?

2.So good to hear from you! LOVE all the excerpts you post and the many many interesting tangents you're brain goes through. Good luck with you're writing and that you finally reach the epilogue you had written years ago!
I'm glad you're enjoying the crazy tangents. They're fun to write because I'm never sure how they'll turn out. But they're also super distracting because they always pop up when I'm trying to add to my AtO draft.

Anyway on to bartender-Harry.
I didn't know that Soma hired anyone so young here,” the new customer said, his barely concealed confusion easy to hear as he sat at the bar. “You must have impressed him."

The dull green vest, the strange headgear that framed his face and the trained watchful air made Harry straighten in interest. His first ninja customer. Topping up the last glass, Harry pushed the tray to the waitress and said, “I own this bar now. What can I get you?”

The ninja blinked, the only outward sign of his surprise before he shrugged. “Anything that will silence the bad memories for a while.”

Harry couldn't help feeling sympathetic. “I've got just the thing.” Scanning the shelves behind him, Harry bypassed the bottles of bright multicoloured alcohols- the crystalline blues, the blood reds and even the glittering black ones- and grabbed an unlabelled bottle filled with dark purple. The strong berry smell that wafted up as he filled a glass reassured Harry that he had gotten the right bottle. 

His ninja customer eyed the purple drink that Harry had placed in front of him. “What's this called?”

Harry shrugged. “It doesn't have a name yet.”

Instead of the wariness that Harry had expected, the ninja downed the drink without hesitation. “That was good.”

I had a lot of trouble making that one” Harry said, feeling his tension ease as he filled another tray of drinks and handed it to the only waitress who worked at the bar. 
You made it?” the ninja said in wonder.