25 October 2016

There's Something about Neji (Part 2)

Still struggling with a lack of free time for fanfiction, but I had a flash of inspiration to do some snapshots for this verse- which, in case you haven't read, is my take on the question “If AtO had any romance and Harry ended up with a male, who would it be?"

Here's Part 1. Beware of this post being unedited. 

10 October 2016

A Birthday Surprise

A little post for Naruto's birthday.
As Naruto opened the apartment door, a wave of fragrant perfume filled his senses. Naruto stepped back and closed the door in confusion as he looked around. 

“I told you the flowers were a bad idea.”

Naruto frowned and leaned closer to the door.

“It wasn't the flowers that scared him off, it was that outrageous cake.”

“Outrageous?” Another voice retorted with clear indignation.

“Now will you all listen to me and let me go with my initial plan?”