30 September 2016

AtO Timeline: Important Story Dates

I'm still very much in editing hell with AtO but one of the upsides is that I've had to revisit and solidify my story time-line.

I thought it would be interesting to put up a rough time-line with the days where big story events happens.

Obviously, I'll keep adding to this post with every chapter update.

10- Lands in Whirlpool. Meets Akira.
17- Leaves Whirlpool. Meets Itachi.
20- Parts ways with Itachi and reaches Wave Country.
31- Celebrates his birthday while travelling with Isshin's caravan.

1- Reaches Konoha and gets an apartment.
3- Hedwig gets injured after Harry messes with seal.
4- Meets Asuma and Shikamaru.
5- Meets Shikaku.
6- Meets Naruto.
9- Gets confirmation that Naruto is related to him.
15- Meets Ichigen and leaves Konoha to go to the Temple.
18- Reaches Temple of Fire
21- Akatsuki attack the Temple.
24- Asuma dies.
26- Asuma's funeral.
27- Hidan and Kakuzu are defeated.
29- Jiraiya shows up.
30- In Yugakure. Harry tells Naruto about magic.

1- Naruto finds about about Kushina
3- Jiraiya gives Harry his notes and leaves Konoha.
7- Harry starts trip to Suna.
14- Harry reaches Suna. Meets Gaara.
15- Meets Ebizo.
17- Leaves Suna. 
21- Harry is back in Konoha. Meets Iruka.
22- Kankuro learns that Harry and Naruto are related. 
27- Temari in Konoha. 
28- Meets Sentoki in the morning. 
30- Farmer drops them at Crossroad

1- Reach the top of temple mountain
2- Meets Itachi