10 March 2012

Valentine Day Drabble

Yes, I know we're way past Valentine's Day, but since I had no internet access in Feb when it was supposed to come online, please excuse the delayed posting of this. 

Warnings: Un-edited silliness. Not a part of AtO's established timeline  obviously.
"Harii, I need your help!"
Harry glanced up at Izumo's worried face. "What's wrong? Did Kotetsu get sugar high and end up in the hospital again?"
"No, this has nothing to do with him," Izumo said. "I asked Kasumi, the chef from Kusaka, out on a date."
Harry nodded sympathetically. "And she said no?"
"She said yes."
Harry frowned. "So you wanted her to say no?"
Izumo shot him a look. "Why would I ask her out if I wanted her to say no?"
"So what's the problem?" Harry said as he turned away to roll his eyes.
"I don't know what to do. I don't want to screw this up so I need advise."
Harry glanced back at Izumo sharply. "From me?"
Izumo nodded.
"You, a fully grown man, want advise on women from a sixteen year old who's never actually had a proper romantic relationship?"
"You've never..."
Harry twitched. "I'm single now, aren't I?"
"Yes, but you seem like the sensitive sort that the chicks dig. I mean Sakura seems less homicidal around you."
Harry blinked and sighed. "I really worry about you."
Izumo flayed his hands around dramatically for a moment before he jumped forward and grabbed a hold of Harry's arm. "Help me, Harii."
Hermione blinked and snorted through the mirror. "Another one? Just how many men need relationship advise?"
Harry shrugged.
"Are you at least getting paid proper for being such a helpful Agony Uncle?" Hermione said.
"If anything you're the Agony Aunt, I'm just the messenger." Harry remembered the numerous cake boxes on his kitchen table, the new books piled up on one side and a bundle of money notes. "But yeah, I'm getting paid."
"That's good," Hermione's sombre face shifted into an excited smile. "Now tell me about the newest man's problem. Is he a..."
When I re-read this drabble after completing it, I found myself making a summary for it. Some summaries led to even more crazy ideas and eventually I found myself liking the original drabble a whole lot more.

Some silly/faux-dramatic summaries and further craziness that got inspired by the above drabble.
1- Konoha discovers Harry's reliability in dealing with one of it's relatively unknown fields: women.
2- Harry finally finds a way to be an invaluable asset to Konoha. Even the most hardened ninja is willing to acknowledge the skills of an adept matchmaker.
3- "And he's such a..." She sighed and rubbed her forehead.
Harry sighed. "I can understand what you're trying to say, Nara-san. But I don't understand why you're telling me all this."
"Because," she turned to him with narrowed eyes. "My son needs to be pushed. If I left it to him, I'll never get a grandchild."
"But he's only sixteen," Harry said, even as he thought, And I don't want to get involved.
"He'll be more willing to listen to someone his own age. If you introduce him to a suitable girl now, then in five years times I can expect a grandkid. That's the usual timeframe for Nara men."
Harry frowned. "What if he already has someone?"
"Do you know something that I don't?"
Not wanting to cause any trouble, Harry shook his head and said, "No, I just wanted to know."
She stared at him for a moment, then nodded in satisfaction and pulled out a brown envelope from her pocket. "These three are possible candidates..."

Of course there were tons more ridiculous tangents I ended up with like 'Harry the wedding planner' and 'Harry the relationship counselor' or the one idea where Danzo enlisted Harry's help to pair up the Root members to create future soldiers. Funny and slightly very creepy to imagine, trust me.

P.S. I haven't made a dent in my internet catching up at all. I think it's because, instead of being glued to the computer/internet, I find myself doing other things. At least I've caught up with all the manga I follow! That's progress.

09 March 2012

Internet, how I've missed you...

...just a bit.

It's March! Can you believe it? Probably not. I'm more stuck on the fact that I've finally got my internet back and thus have to catch up on all my reading and browsing and updating and apologizing to penpal-ish people after my unexpected disappearance (hmm, that sounds like I was abducted by aliens).

 Yup, updating.

 As in actual story updating. Keep a lookout for all sorts of updates within the next week. I'll pretty much be spamming everyone with tons of writing both on ffnet and on this blog whenever I can. Obviously most of you are probably only bothered about AtO's chapter 13. Don't worry- it's ready to be uploaded, but I'm going to wait a bit before putting it online. You might think I'm being evil by not uploading it immediately, but well I have my paranoid reasons and I suppose I like the idea of being considered evil.

Chapter 13 was and actually still is a monster chapter- has to be I suppose, given that AtO was updated ages ago. I actually cut out so many scenes (more than 2000 words) from it, changed things around so many times and moved bits into another word doc for future chapters, but it's still huge. But even with that, I think it's one of the most emotion-packed chapters I've written.

 I guess I shouldn't talk about chapter 13 so much until I actually post in online.

So guess what was the first thing I did when i got the internet back? I caught up with the Naruto manga just before writing this post. And omg-osh why are the Uchiha hogging the spotlight again? I swear I don't read it for a while and suddenly they've take taken over. Even though I like Itachi, I want to read about Naruto, damn it.

And for today/this weekend, I'm going to read a few of my favourite fic updates (looks like I have so many reviews to write, my email inbox is filled with alerts) and probably do an unimportant update on ffnet.

P.S. I never got a chance to explain changing the domain name for this blog before I went away from the internet. Honestly, it was just a whim on my part. I never really had a proper reason for wanting to change the main address. Hmm, this not having a proper reason for doing things seems to be a pattern for me.