14 November 2015

Mid-November Writing Adventures

The draft has grown so much since I first started it. I don't want to give out the current word count because it's ridiculous but just know that the .doc file takes a few minutes to open.

So even with all of life's constant distractions, I've got a good amount of content for AtO.

Draft related Stuff

1. Timeline Woes 
I've sort of reached the area where in Naruto canon the Pein arc would be and I have some serious timeline stuff that I need to work out. Too many things happening and I can't tell when they happened in relation to each other.
Canon info doesn't help me much because I've said goodbye to canon ages ago. 
I have a feeling that this is going to be one of my biggest editing headaches. 

2. New Characters
Who don't have a lot of screen time in canon, either because they die or just don't have anything to do in canon. So I have to hammer out the details of how they would act, etc. I'm thinking of doing character sheets to keep track of them but I haven't found one that I like enough.
But the more I write them (because they get lots of screen time with Harry), the more they're inching up in my favourites list.
I can say one new character is a foreign Jinchūriki.

3. Battle Drama
Harry has been in some new quick battles/confrontations and has been nothing but a bystander in others. And I've been stuck toying with what kind of injuries (physical or mental, permanent or not) I should give Harry and another character. 
Crippling injuries make for good drama, right?

Non-draft/General bits and bobs

1. Strange Plot 'Guidance' for AtO
I recently got a PM about things that 'needed to happen' in AtO. I've gotten the occasional comment and PM on what could be added to the story (mostly inane pairing stuff), but this PM was different.
It asked me to incorporate stuff from the next gen stuff/Boruto movie.
The Boruto Movie.
Take a minute to let that settle in.
Yeah, so in case any of you have the same hope/opinion, I'll just say: That is never going to happen in AtO, just re-watch Boruto to get your fix please.

2. Advent Prep for the Blog (WRITING PROMPTS OPEN)
Is there some scene or prompt or something else from my writing that you really want to see written/continued/expanded upon?
If you have something, drop a comment down below or in the ask box in the sidebar (if you want to be Anonymous) and I'll give it a go and post it in December during the Advent Calendar postings.
Just please, no Boruto stuff. Unless it's just Mitsuki.
I'm not saying that me accepting prompts is an attempt at bribing you in case chapter 15 doesn't get published in December, but let's be real. This is probably my only way of bribing you in case I don't get chapter 15 ready for December.

On a more serious note, I hope that you are all safe wherever you are in the world right now.