23 April 2010

Naruto's apartment!

So in my random fan research I came across a wonderful sketch that gives a detailed layout of what Naruto's complete apartment looks like. I think it's pretty awesome, mostly because I'm trying to give Harry a place to stay.

But in terms of writing, it definitely helps me picture where possible scenes can take place.

Now if only I can find a detailed sketch for Kakashi's apartment.


02 April 2010

Hello there!

Just an introduction post, I suppose. I'm a writer and I seem to be doing a lot of fanfiction writing. I wanted a place where I could ramble on things -like resources, plot stuff and all that -and archive it somewhere. Hence the creation of this blog.

I think a blog will also help me communicate with my readers. And maybe I could get some help with my fanfiction research.

Plus I just think it'll be a good way of assuring my readers that I'm still writing the fanfiction.

Anyway, here's my page at fanfiction.net. Have a read!
