27 April 2016

AtO Draft 1.0 Complete!

It only took me something like a year of on and off writing (more off than on. to be honest) but I finally have a draft that reaches the epilogue I'd written years ago.

I'm in a bit of a victorious daze, so this post might not be the most coherent, but I need to mark the occasion in some way.

Here's some random info about the draft:
= I've broken up the AtO draft into 5 separate documents which range from 500-1000ish KB in size.
= Characters I've contemplated death scenes for while drinking tea- Kakashi, Sasuke, Danzo, Itachi, the Naras, Naruto... do villages as a whole count for this? I'm not sure. (I won't tell you who I've actually killed off)
= I totally abused the add comments function. So the side of my draft word document are filled with yellow boxes.
= Sometimes I could finish up to 3 chapters in a week and other times it would take more than a month to write out a single chapter.

And here's some Plot things I can tell you:
= Harry travels, drinks and does stupid things. Mostly, he does stupid things.
= There's no animagus Harry- which seems to be a thing that people ask about a lot.
= Also Harry and Itachi do not become a couple- which is another thing that's frequently brought up.
= Harry doesn't learn how to use swords. So he does not become a master swordsman.
= In that vein, Harry does not become a ninja. Or a samurai. Not even a monk. Or a Daimyo. Not a Kage either.
= There's no Kaguya. She's interesting but she just doesn't fit into AtO.

I've already got a few plot paths that I'm cutting out when I start editing because they lead to no where in the story.

What about editing and updates?
I will edit and I will update.

I won't promise a schedule or a fixed date on when I will update. It will happen when I can make it happen. That's just how I am as a writer.

P.S. I'm actually going to binge read some old fanfics that have been on my to-read list for ages as a bit of a celebration.

03 April 2016

There's Something About Neji

This is my official answer to “If AtO had any romance and Harry ended up with a male, who would it be?”

Neji, I choose you.

So here is a a quick and short stab at how things start for this pairing. Obviously, this won't happen in AtO itself. 