09 March 2012

Internet, how I've missed you...

...just a bit.

It's March! Can you believe it? Probably not. I'm more stuck on the fact that I've finally got my internet back and thus have to catch up on all my reading and browsing and updating and apologizing to penpal-ish people after my unexpected disappearance (hmm, that sounds like I was abducted by aliens).

 Yup, updating.

 As in actual story updating. Keep a lookout for all sorts of updates within the next week. I'll pretty much be spamming everyone with tons of writing both on ffnet and on this blog whenever I can. Obviously most of you are probably only bothered about AtO's chapter 13. Don't worry- it's ready to be uploaded, but I'm going to wait a bit before putting it online. You might think I'm being evil by not uploading it immediately, but well I have my paranoid reasons and I suppose I like the idea of being considered evil.

Chapter 13 was and actually still is a monster chapter- has to be I suppose, given that AtO was updated ages ago. I actually cut out so many scenes (more than 2000 words) from it, changed things around so many times and moved bits into another word doc for future chapters, but it's still huge. But even with that, I think it's one of the most emotion-packed chapters I've written.

 I guess I shouldn't talk about chapter 13 so much until I actually post in online.

So guess what was the first thing I did when i got the internet back? I caught up with the Naruto manga just before writing this post. And omg-osh why are the Uchiha hogging the spotlight again? I swear I don't read it for a while and suddenly they've take taken over. Even though I like Itachi, I want to read about Naruto, damn it.

And for today/this weekend, I'm going to read a few of my favourite fic updates (looks like I have so many reviews to write, my email inbox is filled with alerts) and probably do an unimportant update on ffnet.

P.S. I never got a chance to explain changing the domain name for this blog before I went away from the internet. Honestly, it was just a whim on my part. I never really had a proper reason for wanting to change the main address. Hmm, this not having a proper reason for doing things seems to be a pattern for me.


  1. Hey nice to see you alive... no ATO? *puppy dog eyes* are you sure?

    Three months without internet must have been Hell.  I would have at least a week worth of reading after being gone that long.  (I'm alittle jeolous of that... I have nothing to read right now)

    Looking forward to chapter 13 and anything else you managed to upload.  8)

  2. I'm very resistant to the puppy dog eyes. But yeah, I'm not going to put up chapter 13 immediately.

    Actually the time without the internet was bad at first, but since I've had to deal with something like this before, I was sort of used to it. And there's so many things to do outside of the internet.

    Yup, I have so much to read. Some stories have at least three updates, and with the amount of stories I follow, that's a lot of reading waiting to be done.

  3. That's just evil... ;_; I'm seriously kinda hurting here.

    From my experience the first two weeks without internet are the worst. After that you get used to it and it hardly matters, so I hope you didn't suffer.

  4. Little KaijuuMarch 15, 2012

    I just finished rereading the story AGAIN (what is it now, five or six times at least) and I hope you update soon. I know you will when you're ready which I hope is soon. Is it an editing issue?

    Oh, can I ask about some of the previous chapters? It struck me while I was reading through the story again that aside from Akira (no mention of him lately *sad face*), Harry hasn't seen any ghosts since and even when he ended up in hospital, the thestral hair bracelet wasn't mentioned in description. So the questions are: 1) Can Harry see other ghosts or only those of Uzumaki blood/just Akira? 2) What happened to the bracelet? and 3) If it isn't gone, can ninja not see it?

    You don't have to tell me if you're planning to do something with the thestral hair later but it's clawing at my braaaaaiiin~

    Do you have an idea of when you will update? It's been so long... ;__;

  5. Alas, there is no way I can make your hurt less at the moment.

    Actually the first week was the worst. And I'm used to this happening. It's actually kinda sad how used to this I am.

    So many questions, 
    y u keep re-reading and finding questions
    but I shall answer.About bracelet and ghostly meetings- I actually hinted at both things in chapter 12, but I've been told my hints are like lonely pink ants in the jungle. So I suppose you do deserve some clarification.

    The bracelet still exists. 

    And in a way, it is an editing issue. Unfortunately it's not chapter 13 that has the editing issue. It's the previous chapters. My writing style is so different in this chapter that if I put if up, it'll feel ... like it's not supposed to be there. And I don't want chapter 13 to feel like an unwanted vegetable in a chocolate box. 

    Ridiculous metaphors aside, don't worry too much about the update.

  7. Little KaijuuMarch 16, 2012

     *Goes hint hunting* >:)

    Personally, I don't think it matters if there's a shift in writing style or ability, it happens a lot online and you can always go back and edit the previous chapters, or make this the start of a new arc if there's a big enough plot bomb.

    I can't help being anxious for an update! It's not a vegetable, it's a whole box of forbidden delights which will leave me wanting more a minute after finishing it and send me into hyper-squee after the first 0000.1 percent of a bite. U___U

    Thank you for answering my questions~

  8. So, is "watch out for updates" and you'll be "spamming us with writing" code for ...I donno, Not updating anything? Cause, I was really looking forward to last week and well, it's over now and nothing happened... Did your computer explode or something?

  9. Computer exploding would be the height of bad luck... thankfully I've been spared that because I've just gotten into the swing of reading all the stories I have on alert. 
    Hmm, as for my own updating- seriously all I can tell you is things will come on-line. AtO's chapters always make me an indecisive person at crunchtime- I did want chapter 13 on-line on Saturday, my inner editor convinced me that it wasn't the right time. So I didn't upload it. 

    As for spamming of other updates- AtO's indecisiveness affects every other thing I want to upload, even if those things don't need to be edited. It's a pain, but it can't be helped.

  10. .... Your inner editor needs to learn not to cling. Stories can strangle with editors like that.

  11. DreamOfStoriesMay 09, 2012

    You know, I was happy to be all patient about the AtO update... Until I read that it was written and ready. :( Now I just feel... I don't know. It's like when I'm food shopping and there's that really nice caramel shortcake packet and I just can't afford it... Ah! I'm so tempted to throw a tantrum fit now.

    Reading through the comments, I get the whole shift in writing style thing. I've written loads of stuff but it never leaves my hard drive cause I keep having to go back and change bits. Still, I hope you're not so unhappy with it you want to rewrite huge sections? That could take a while. :-/

    Worked through the updates yet? :-)
