15 January 2016

The Fanfiction Goals for 2016

First of all, I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year. Two weeks into the new year and I'm already swamped with life stuff to do. But I still made some fanfiction goals for this year.

How many years have I started off with a giant list of things that I planned to do? And then a year passes without me having done much of anything?

This year will be different! Hopefully. 

So here's my fanfiction goals for 3 months ( till end of March)

Complete DtE
Finally getting around to looking at DtE again, as you might have noticed with the new update today. It's really close to getting completed so I'm going to put in more effort for the final push.And when it's done I won't have to deal with the guilt of keeping it incomplete.

Work on/Complete the AtO Draft
I had to stop working on it over the holiday season. I'm sort of working on it intermittently at the moment when I can but I'm not making as much progress with as I would like.

Also, a part of me is just like- how many hours have I already put into this draft? And I have the editing to do before any of it can be uploaded! Which ties in to my next bit goal.

Edited Summary for AtO
Working on the draft has really made me think about the summary and I've been tossing some ideas on how I can re-do it. I'm thinking when I finish the draft, I'll have a better idea of what to put in the summary.

So basically, what this means is: When you see a new summary, you can be sure that I've finished my draft and started editing Chapter 15.

Does that mean chapter 15 will be up before/by March? Honestly, me not making it a goal should be enough of an answer. Miracles could happen, but let's be realistic here.

Moving AtO Extras to FFnet
Just the omakes at the moment. Not the deleted scenes.

Since the omakes are not actually tied in with the story, I think they'd be much easier to edit without having to worry about timeline and things. I will expand most of them so that they make nice sized individual chapters on ffnet.

The deleted scenes, on the other hand, will be uploaded much later on. I have some plans to rewrite and add certain things before I move them. Plus a part of me really wants to upload more to AtO itself before I work on this. So for now it's a future project (well after March, at least).

Let's get some stuff done, eh?