25 January 2018

Prompt Fill: Uzumaki Dangers

Happy New Year! I hope you've had a good, or at least an okay/ not so terrible, 2018 so far.

So this prompt came in during December/Advent Event: “Hi! Do you still take suggestions for the calendar? If so I would love to see Harry coming to Konoha much earlier, when Naruto had really been rather annoying, Sakura was an awful human being and Sasuke was... There. ;) I simply think the big-brother role Harry has would be even more pronounced and that could lead to all sorts of differences.

With all the holiday shenanigans, I had to put a break on filling prompts.

I'm glad I did.

Anon, behold all of the differences of your prompt fill.
Three weeks of rather benign imprisonment had taught Harry a few things.

One, the Uzumaki had a lot of valued secrets that people wanted.

Two, not knowing any of those secrets made Harry's life both easy and hard. Easy, because he couldn't give away any secrets under any circumstance. Hard, because after three weeks of magically maintained silence, his captors probably categorized him as a formidable secret keeper.

Three, his captors wanted him to like them. Or at least, not hate them completely. Instead of a prison cell, he was in a house. A secluded house in the middle of the forest, but still a house. And even with his 'stubborn' silence, they never resorted to violence. But Harry wasn't sure how long that patience would last.

The severe bands of black ink on Harry's hands itched all the way down to his bones. Ignoring the itch meant having to deal with the angry buzz of his still holstered wand instead. Both options made his current captivity even more annoying to deal with.

The smart thing to do was leave with the help of his magic. They hadn't been able to take away his wand holster and they couldn't even sense when he did magic to make his imprisonment easier.

But they had made a fleeting mention of another Uzumaki during one of their first 'conversations'. A calming spell had helped him not react back then, but the thought had stayed in his mind. What better way to get him to talk, than to have him talk to another Uzumaki? At least, Harry hoped that's what they thought. That's why he stayed.

That's why he willingly followed his masked guard out of his plain bedroom and down the wooden corridors to the meeting room where their 'conversations' occurred.

Though the Homenum Revelio spell warned Harry of new visitors, his first glimpse of one specific visitor irritated him.

A child. A blond child.