02 September 2011

Summer accomplishments!

Screenshot of my laptop's fanfiction folder
As of September, this is what the fanfiction folder on my computer looks like. Too many things and none of them are ready to be put online- it's frustrating, but at the same time, not really. I'm thrilled that I've written so much random things sporadically.

I've managed to get some good bits of writing done for chapter 13 (lucky number 13, eh?)- not great progress but good progress considering I'm still concentrating on other stuff and generally enjoying my last few days of freedom with lots of anime/drama/movie watching. 

I think watching all sorts of things has made dialogue writing flow easier. Then again, I never struggled too much with that part- it was always adding proper descriptions for things where I mess up and struggle (12 chapters later and I'm no better at it).

In terms of  reading, most of the stories I have on alert have not been updated in a long time- good to know that my favourite authors as slow as I am (in some cases even slower than I am). I guess everyone is getting busier - that makes me less guilty about not posting anything online.

P.S. The biggest files in that folder FairytailXHP crossover has 8600+ words, KhrHP crossover has 10,000+words and AtO future scenes has 18,000+ words of snippets.


  1. You have the EPILOGUE written already??? 
    ...I'm all starry-eyed at an audacity that I haven't even managed yet.. *_*

  2. Little KaijuuSeptember 04, 2011

    EP-EPILOGUE! *faints ala Hinata*

    Plus, 73kbs looks awfully big for '1000' or so words. *A conspiracy I sense* (or it could be because I use Open Office...) and Heee that's a big future scenes document~ I hope towards the end of the story everything falls into place as you reach the bits that you've got stuff written for already.

    Do you know how many chapters AtO will have? Even a rough guess?

    This post makes me HAPPY FLAIL~! :DDD

  3. It's not a complete epilogue... but I guess that really doesn't matter, eh? It works really well as motivation for me to keep writing AtO.

  4. Lol, well most of that 73kb is notes and writing for other things. I tend to just keep one window open for writing and then move everything to it's respective files- I despise opening multiple windows on my laptop.

    Chapter of AtO? I really can't say- more than 20 maybe?- I just know how I want to end the story.

  5. Little KaijuuSeptember 05, 2011

    *Flailing in happy forever* (Though I do sort of hope that there are more than 20 chapters, I hate it when stories end (Never Ending Story dammit)).
