30 September 2014

AtO with Zombies, of a sort.

Happy end of September.

As if. Who can be happy at how quickly the time has passed?

I can't be happy because I'm so behind on all things fanfiction related. All my organized plans and to-do lists have been completely useless in keeping me on track with updates.

But I have shiny new plans and better to-do lists.

Which means, October is going to be interesting. Either I kick my procrastination in the butt and put some updates online, or I fail miserably and get nothing done.

In the spirit of getting stuff online, here's something fun I've had on my computer for a while. This plot bunny was inspired by a review I got for AtO's Chapter 14.

Warnings: Not as edited as I'd like it to be. Not part of AtO.
Cramming down the last of his seaweed snack, Harry gathered his magic for a reparo spell and aimed at the crack still visible on the newly repaired doll's neck. His magic washed out onto the doll, the hairline crack glowed but remained after the magic vanished.

Frowning, Harry aimed another reparo spell at the crack. 

The persistent crack remained even after another five reparo spells. 

Gritting his teeth in frustration, Harry tugged his wand out of its holster and gathered a chunk of magic. “Reparo!”

His fingers tingled, his wand buzzed with warmth and a wave of magic shot out to his target. 

The crack glowed, rippled and smoothed out. 

His magic lingered around the doll as a visible glow before it dissipated through the doll and into the air with an audible shock-wave.

The doll's smooth surface rippled, bulged and shifted into a dark leathery surface. The leathery transformation continued until the entire doll had rough leathery skin. 

Within seconds, under a ripple of his magic, every doll in the room changed to have dark leathery skin as a thick smell of rot filled the room. 

Wary, Harry kept a tight grip on his wand as the last of his lingering magic sank down into the lifeless dolls. 

To Harry’s horror, the glassy eyes darkened with life and swivelled around in their sockets until all the dolls- no, the humanoid creatures now- blinked and turned to stare at Harry as one. 

Wand still in hand, Harry had to physically stop himself from firing a barrage of spells at the creatures that moved to stare at Harry with an almost expectant aura.

As minutes passed, Harry glanced at the door, wondering if he had to break out of this place.

One of the creatures turned to the door, opened it's mouth grotesquely wide and spat out a large fireball. The door exploded outward creating a large hole. 

Harry flinched, watching the spell he'd shot in reflex sink down into the creature harmlessly instead of damaging it. 

The creatures moved closer and blocked Harry from the exit leaving only a small line of sight to see the entrance. 

“Harii,” Shikamaru's voice, higher than his usual nonchalant tone, came from the entrance. 

Harry wished he had a clear line of sight so that he could talk to Shikamaru. 

In answer to his thoughts, the creatures moved, creating a tiny line of sight to the blown up entrance. 

Shikamaru stood beside Kankuro and someone that Harry had only met once- Gaara. 

“I don't think the papers I signed covered this scenario,” Harry said with a rueful smile.

“How did you manage this?” Kankuro asked, eyes wary.

“I was trying to be an overachiever,” Harry said blandly. “I've learnt my lesson and promise to be as average as possible from now on. So please, help me.”

Gaara tilted his face and narrowed his eyes. 

A trickle of glittering sand rose up into the air and curled around one of the creatures. 

All the creatures stood unmoving in the face of the blatant attack. 

More sand rushed forward and engulfed the creature completely with a swift hand motion from Gaara. With another signal, an almost violent squeeze of his fist, the sand mimicked his gesture and squeezed down. 

Flesh squelched under the onslaught and black stained the sand for an instant before vaporizing into thick black fumes that floated towards the open hole. 

The sand fell off a mangled mass of dark rotting flesh that spouted even more noxious fumes in the air. 

Harry gasped as his magic swirled out.

“Harii?” Shikamaru called out amidst coughs, as some sort of shimmering barrier appeared at the entrance.

The mangled flesh expanded and smoothed out till the creature resumed it's previos form
“It fixed itself,” Harry said, faintly noting that the fumes had no effect on him. “Using my... power.”
I like this plot bunny because it sets up a whole host of interesting scenes in the future like:
  • Harry becomes a serious visible threat in the ninja world. His 'zombie' minions can use ninja techniques, create a highly toxic gas when damaged and can regenerate/fix themselves up in no time.
  • Naruto surrounded by a few of these 'zombies' all who only have Harry's thoughts of “Protect him” to guide their actions. Cue crazy awesome battle scene.

There's loads of other possible scenarios, but I think I'll leave it there for now.

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