If you've been on this blog for a while then I'm sure you're not surprised with AtO's update being pushed to a later date.
However unlike usual, I'm not sorry about this delay. I haven't edited, let alone looked at chapter 15 in ages because I've been busy trying to complete the AtO draft.
I'm in a really good place with my draft writing and I don't want to lose any momentum by going back to edit chapter 15. Editing will just bring my draft writing to a complete stop.
I've actually been so focused on the draft that I don't even have any what-if AtO snippets to post on this blog right now. (I had this one idea of Lily being in Harry's position and meeting Kushina...but I've ignored the temptation to work on that and pushed it to the 'later' pile.)
It's probably frustrating that I talk so much about the draft but have nothing tangible to show for it online, but I hope you'll bear with me as I work on it.
If all goes well, I'll finish the draft sometime in November (according to very hopeful calculations with my current writing speed) and then I'll be able to edit and upload.
So basically what I'm saying is, give me at least two months before you ask about updates.
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