31 October 2010


First of all, hope you guys have an awesome Halloween. Even if you don't really celebrate the day, I think it's an awesome excuse to eat some candy guilt-free.

Anyway, as you may have noticed- I didn't put up chapter 11- it's not as complete as I'd like and some parts feel like they need to get re-done. I had hoped to get it out as a sort of Halloween treat. Psh, looks like it'll become some sort of X-mas gift instead.

Interesting Things I've Found
1- Road to Morning Series by FaithUnbreakable [SupernaturalXBuffy Fanfic]
Read this! If you're a fan of both shows then you'll love this awesome blend. It's got action and good characterization and the plot in truly believable.

2- Breaking the Fall Series by jezaeiri [BuffyXBleach Fanfic]
This did take me by surprise. I wasn't expecting to like it and a part of me was expecting something similar to Vathara's X-over. But this is surprisingly good in the way that Buffy finds her place in the Bleach universe. Not too shabby.

P.S. Short post? Well I just wanted to make things/ch11 status clear. Also wanted to do it before I dived in to all the Halloween candy. Plus  NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow... I wonder how that'll turn out. 


  1. ack! nothing 'til Christmas?

  2. I know this is probably a really really stupid question but what is NaNoWriMo? I have the impression it's a writing contest or something? Just want alittle info if possible? Like what are the rules and such? Or is it something completely different?

  3. Its not a silly question. I never really knew about NaNoWrIMo until this year. Here's the official page that'll give a better explanation that I'll ever be able to. http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/whatisnano

    I'm doing it with a small group of my friends mostly for the challenge- I haven't really registered with the NaNoWriMo site or anything like that. I want to see if I can actually finish a 'novel' in a month. So far... so good. Of course I'm very sure that what I have so far is utterly terrible- my inner editor is just seething with the urge to go back and edit.

  4. At least. I'm not sure when I'll update. But November seems like a no go, so far.

  5. Thank you! That actually sounds like alot of fun. I'm actually tempted to try it but I'm one of those people who can't write a paragraph without going over it 3 dozen times. That's probably why I end up only writing 2k word chapters that just feel overworked.

    I think I might try that on my own just for the heck of it. 8)

    Anyways good luck!

  6. HeavenmidoriNovember 07, 2010

    For Christmas? (puppy dog eyes) <3
