04 July 2012

Some RP-ing instead of Story-writing

So... if you've been visiting the blog since I first started it, you would have noticed my occasional experiments with widgets.

If you're sort of new to this blog- just know that sometimes I'm really curious about experimenting with things on here. I had a chat-thing on here, a poll thing, picture gallery thing, a formspring question thing... so a lot of random things that never really stuck around because I got too annoyed at having to log in everywhere and stuff...

Anyway, why am I talking about this?

All that probably doesn't have a direct connection to what I'm about to talk about. No, wait. The moral of all the above is that I'm crazy curious about things.

All right, continuing to the important part.

I heard about omegle (which is an online chat website where you can randomly talk to strangers without having to register or whatever). Even though it's been around for a while, I just recently heard of it and thought to myself...I must try it.

So I did.

I put in a whole lot of interests- ranging from writing to various shows/books/anime I love- and clicked text.

And omegle gave me a stranger who shared the common interest 'sherlock'.

I, being a naive omegle newbie, thought we were going to discuss crazy outlandish Reichenbach survival theories. Instead stranger typed out a line- which was supposed to be a text from Sherlock- an obvious start to some sort of RP.

I stared at stupidly at the screen for a bit too long because I've never really participated in an RP before and so the stranger disconnected on me.

But I wasn't deterred.  Though I'd never really participated in an actual RP before, I was... curious. And I didn't want to to any serious work/writing.

So I connected again. Oddly enough, I connected with another person who had 'sherlock' as a common interest and they immediately started typing something furiously. I waited, preparing myself to be in John's mindset in case it was an RP. If it wasn't an RP, then I had enough to talk about easily.

It was an RP that started with a text message.

Except it wasn't a text from Sherlock. It was a text from SM (Sebastian Moran- who isn't actually seen in the BBC series, I think. Thankfully I'm very familiar with the original stories) to Moriarty.

I was supposed to RP as Moriarty. Obviously, a shock since I had expected to be John. (gosh, I just realised how odd this all must sound.)

But I typed out a response.

And by the end of our super long chat session- when the other person had to leave- I got told that I played the 'perfect' Moriarty.

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Pride that I aced my first try at an RP? Horrified that I played an unhinged creepy psycho perfectly?

I think it was mostly shock of some sort, because when the other person asked for some means of contact so that we could RP again, I accidentally closed the tab.

And even though I can't remember how or why our RP had a crazy twitchy doctor to whom I, as Moriarty, gave permission to experiment on our captured prisoners or something like that... I can't help but think it was fun.

So fun that I think I might give RP-ing another go in the future... though maybe not in the Sherlock fandom.

P.S. I hope all you Canadian readers had a fun Canada day long weekend.
P.P.S. To all my American readers, Happy 4th of July to you.


  1. Quite a few years back, Waaaay before I got into fanfiction I actually got into the online game Everquest.  Well I had a problem with one of the quests so I looked up a website and I stumbled upon the forum.  Well I was sharing the Everquest account so whenever I wasn't on the game I wasted time on the forum and being the fast reader I was soon found nothing to read but the "hokey crap" as I considered it then.

    Desprite for some entertainment I started reading the RP thread.  I later found out that it was the 10th thread of just that story.  It was also alittle diffrent then other RP threads I later discovered.  Yes people had individual characters but they also took over other characters to a certain point in order to progress the storyline.  Not only that but anyone could just jump into it and participate.  It was extremely fun and addictive and I spent over 3 years writing in it... (it was easier to write one or two little paragraphs a day then a whole chapter).

    Unfortuately the website was bought by some company and they decided to change the forum and in the process delete all 17 threads of the story. 

    I looked around for a bit afterwards missing my daily fix but eventually remembered someone from the RP mentioning something about Fanfiction and I ended up at Fanfiction.net reading to my hearts desire.

    I sometimes think back to the RP and miss it a bit.  (well except that guy that insisted on inserting brain eating aliens into the story... though he was good for Comic relief if nothing else.)

  2. Guest #309July 05, 2012

    Holy crap! I just found out about Omegle yesterday too! But I've been too shy to try it out yet.. Now I'm wondering if it's swamped with Sherlock fans.... and RP... I have no idea how to RP.... 
    What to do.... 
    What fandom would you RP in if not Sherlock though? I can't even think of it...

  3. Hmm, well I don't know about it being swamped by Sherlock fans...but seeing that out of two tries I got Sherlock fans who wanted to RP- well, that says a lot, I suppose.

    Rp-ing, from my limited experience and what I did is like collaborative writing, except you're only responsible for the actions and dialogue of one character. I don't know if that how all RPs are- but that's how my first RP went.

    Hmm, which fandom? I don't know- something where I'm less likely to RP as psycho-characters? Well, that rules out a lot of fandoms, I'm sure. But if I do actually Rp for some other fandom- I will definitely make a post about it.

  4. Hmm forum RP-ing, that would have allowed you to think over things and write up a lot for your part, wouldn't it? I imagine it would have a lot more thought out.

    I personally think reading fanfiction is way more addicting than Rp-ing because there's so much less hassle/work involved. Of course I haven't Rp-ed enough to get addicted to... but I don't I'll end up getting too interesting in it either way.

  5. Guest #309July 11, 2012

    Wow.. so, I've spent four days on omegle now and I am sadly hooked. Even worse, I also ran into sherlock rp-ers and..and.... There were different instances.. First I was Mycroft (because I couldn't say no to that) but it seemed pretty average. I thought I was safe.

    Then... a Moriarty appeared. So I got to spend several hours rping as Sebastian..and it Was AWESOME. I can't get it out of my head now. What shall I do? Where can I go? I never got the stranger's url, how can I rp again??? 

    That's what my life is now. I can't even think what sort of rps there are anymore but mormor... 

    Help me...

  6. Addicted to RP-ing in four days? That's a super good reason for me not to go back on Omegle.

    Also, Mormor has to be the oddest name for a pairing combo (especially when Moriarty is part of that combo). But I suppose it fits- sounds deceptively nice/normal/cute-ish...

    There's only one cure to your listlessness caused by RP-addiction. Write actual stories! I seem to remember a certain HP/DN story that hasn't been updated in a long, long time... =D

  7. Guest #309July 19, 2012

    Yeah... Omegle may be slowly draining the soul out of me. I haven't gone to sleep until after 4 or 5 in the morning for over  a week now.... Seriously dying.

    A story... ;;>_> ah, what is this HP/DN you speak of? 9_9 I donno what you're talking about.... Really....    -_-;;;

    And anyway, I started working on a new fic. Except it's Xiaolin Showdown, so I'm not sure anyone will read it.... Gah.... 
