12 December 2012

Holiday time news...

As you may have noticed, I haven't been updating this blog the past few weeks. It's mostly because I've been preparing for a rather long (travel and time-wise) holiday-ish trip.

And preparing for long distance travel is a serious hassle- visas and shopping and travel clinics and more shopping (the shopping just never seems to end). Somehow you're just never completely prepared/packed until it's time to leave.

I will be out of the country till the end of January- and I won't be taking my laptop with me- which means no updates on ffnet until the start of February at least. But I might schedule a post on this blog for Christmas day (I actually wrote a Christmas omake in November)

I can't put up chapter 14 of AtO before I leave- it's not quite done and I can't work on it till I get back. It's rather frustrating (and emabarressing) that I've only managed to update AtO once this year- I really wanted to have more than three chapters up this year but the time just seemed to slip away.

When I look at the fanfic folder on my laptop I see a lot of files in there- lots of them created this year- all stories that are waiting to be finished. I really hope that 2013 will be the year of "completing everything".



  1. Quality over quantity, I say :) Have nice holiday and a safe trip !

  2. omake?  *still hopeful*

  3. Hope you had a Merry Christmas! 8)
