04 April 2014

Fairy tail OneShot A/N: Bonds that Bind

I put it up online today!

It was a bit weird uploading something on FFnet after so long. The layout was different (or felt different) and I completely forgot how to upload for a moment. I felt like a completely new user.

And then I clicked 'New Story' and FFnet went, "You haven't read the guidelines. Read and accept them..." which actually made me lose that new-user feeling and go, "Ah, good old forgetful FFnet."

Anyway some general A/Ns about the story.

Word Count: My rough draft was 6,023 words. Final version was 5088 according to my writing program.

Title and Summany: Both took the longest to edit. I went through 5 different titles and 10+ summaries- all completely different from each other. My final choice - the ones I ended up using- was solely based on both sounding sufficiently dramatic. (But not too dramatic.)

FT Movie: The movie was slightly predictable but it was likeable enough to inspire me to write a story. The ending was really touching and that was the main part that resonated with me when I watched it.

Lucy: I really like her as a character- she has so much potential. And she inspires tons of story ideas. I didn't have an opportunity to do much for her in this one-shot but the next oneshot will definitely giver her a better chance to shine.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the story if you read it.


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