22 May 2014

Review Celebration: Uzumaki Dinner Table

This post is a celebration for AtO getting 1500+ reviews because that's a ridiculously large amount of reviews.

Since I can't cover my readers and reviewers with glitter as thanks, I'll have to settle for uploading some AtO omake writing.

This is an expansion of Harry's imaginary dinner table from Chapter 14. It's missing quite a lot of people because I'm lazy I didn't want to make this very long.

Warnings: Unedited. Lots of ridiculousness, unrealistic wish fulfilment and plot holes (language barrier being the smallest of them) because of it. Not at all a part of AtO timeline.
“Did you two go out and watch that ridiculous movie again?”

Naruto pouted. “It's not ridiculous, nee-san.”

Harry nodded alongside his cousin. “You liked it too.”

“That was the first time I saw it,” Hermione said with a huff as she pulled Naruto into a hug. “Even Ron got sick of watching it after the eight time. Why is it still in theatres anyway?”

“It gets better with every watch,” Harry said, unwilling to let his favourite movie get slandered. “Ron would have come with us if he didn't have a cold from travelling here.”

“Stupid boys,” Hermione hugged Harry.

12 May 2014

Chapter 14 A/N

First of all, cake for everyone- I actually put the chapter up when I said I would (a few hours off from the May 10th date because I got distracted by some LPs on YouTube after uploading DtE)

Anyway on to the notes.

As I mentioned before, I had two versions of this chapter- each with vastly different events and ideas. No, I'm not kidding. The only real common point was the basic premise of going to Suna.

The first version-which will never see the light of day except for want to read it due to boredom- had Danzo conning/pressuring/guilting Harry into taking the Suna job, a visit to the Nara labs, Kakashi going to Suna, Gaara and Harry have some sort of awkward conversation through metaphors (literal metaphors, for some reason. I don't understand what I was thinking when I wrote it).

In the end, I just disliked the feel of what I had. So the alternate chapter 14 came into being a few months back.

AtO14 Ver.1 (unpublished): 10, 969
AtO 14 Ver.2 (Draft): 16,633
  '' (final): 13,370        
I didn't even realize that I'd edited out 3000+ words. That's crazy. I wonder what I edited out over the months.

I couldn't imagine him not being in this chapter. At this point in the timeline, he must be thinking of how useful Harry can be and he'll probably want to get a better feel of the poor guy.
So Danzo, with his favourite rice tea, tries to understand Harry's mentality with a surprisingly non-hostile conversation.
Was he ultimately disappointed or happy with what he gleaned off Harry?- that would be telling.

The Wandering Tiger
Some  imagery that inspired the creation of the teahouse.

There was another one- with a vivid blue pond in front of a house, but I can't seem to find it. 

04 May 2014

The Significance of a Date!

I know, I know! Today marks 2 weekends (Easter weekend doesn't really count cos it was holiday time) without an update.

No, life didn't kick me in the face again. I was actually very good with allotting time for writing and editing. Like I had to-do lists and reward systems for doing things.

I just didn't want to update... because of the date. 

The last time I updated AtO was May 10, 2012. And lo and behold, the upcoming Saturday is May 10, 2014.

It was like a sign.

I wanted to update AtO on May 10. It'll be a perfect 2 years since the last update. 

Isn't that cool?

No? Really? I think that's sort of cool- like, I didn't give up even after 2 years. That's just me being delusional and other readers won't even know the significance of the date?

Well, it's more of a for-me thing, anyway. A silly victory. Double updates (DtE& AtO) on the date that might have been the end of AtO updates 2 years ago. I sort of wish I had two AtO chapters to update on the 10th instead of using DtE but it'll have to do.

Hope you don't mind the ridiculousness.