03 June 2014

Happy June!

Even though it feels like time's passing really fast, I'm actually glad we're in June.

The weather is nicer with lots more sunshine. The sun doesn't set till late which means more time to be outside for barbeques and stuff.

Only downside to this is the fact that I tend to stay up later to spend time on the computer. YouTube time. Seriously, the amount of times I've found myself on there watching videos instead of reading/doing productive things is crazy.

One minute I'll be searching for an old song I just remembered and the next thing I know, I'm watching a creepy game playthrough in the dark.

You're probably thinking- ah, this means there's been no writing going on.

And you'd be wrong.

I have way too many scraps of paper filled with writing that needs to be typed out. Lots of stuff for the blog- I found my old notes for 'A change in age' and other ideas from comments and reviews that I want to expand/fill out for AtO. Plus there's 3 deleted scenes I need to finalize and put up as well.

And the rest of the writing is for Fairy Tail story ideas and trying to see if I can blend some of the new Naruto manga info into my AtO mythos/backstory. Honestly, the only thing I'm keen to have in AtO is Sakura with her yin seal.

So, lots of writing and plotting but not enough editing- which is what I need to be doing to get some updates on FFnet.

I'm sure I'll get things done- I mean, I'll eventually run out of YouTube videos to watch, right?

No, seriously, I'll make June a productive month in terms of updates.

What about you guys? Got any to-dos for the month of June?


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