I'll be taking prompts for Advent 2016.
In case you're new around here, my advent calender is basically a countdown to Christmas where I post stories up until the 25th.The posts might be omakes or deleted scenes for AtO or just other stories. And I try and fill out prompts sent in.
You can find previous years' advents in these tags- AC2014, AC2015.
If you're sending in a prompt you can either leave a comment down below or send something in through the "Ask Me" page.
Right now, I'm not sure how many posts I'll have in total, the number will range from 12- 24 depending on how much I can get done in time.
General Info if you're sending in a prompt
= You can send a prompt for any fanfic I've written. Or just any fandom I'm in.
= Due to the limited amount of posts I can make, I won't be able to fill out every prompt sent it. And due to my own preferences, I will mostly choose general and interesting prompts to fill.
= For AtO specifically, I won't fill any prompts that could potentially be spoiler-y or show up in future chapters.
= I will be continuing certain omakes: A Change in Age, Behind the Scenes. So there's no need to ask for anything related to that.
See you around,
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