I hope you guys have had a wonderful day/holiday season, and if not, I hope that it can only get better in the future.
For today, even though we haven't had any snow here recently, I actually have a bit of a continuation for this old post idea.
“Why are you stopping?” Shikaku
asked, even as he tightened the scarf around his neck.
“That snowman is really well made,”
Harry pointed out to a snowman that was the height of an adult male.
Shikaku eyed the snowman for a moment.
“It's just three large balls of snow piled on top of one another.
How can that even be called a snowman?”
“When he wakes up, I hope he's not
offended by you saying that,” Harry said, not even trying to hide
his amusement.
“The snowman isn't going to wake up,”
Shikaku said. He paused, his eyes looking at the snow all around them
and the snowflakes that were drifting down from the sky. “How
exactly would a snowman wake up?”
“When someone puts a magic hat on his
head, he comes to life.”
“To make more snow?” Shikaku asked
in a serious tone.
“Don't be ridiculous. A snowman like
him would just want to have fun,” Harry said. “Who better to have
a snowball fight with then Frosty the snowman?”
Shikaku stared at him. “Why are you
naming him?”
“I'm not naming him,” Harry said.
“That's his name. There's a song about him.”
“I've never heard of such a song,”
Shikaku stated.