01 December 2010

Where's Chapter 11?

I finally found my word doc of chapter 11, which for some reason was labeled chapter 9. Had a panic attack for a few minutes there when I thought I'd accidentally deleted my chapter 11 draft before NaNoWriMo.

So the good news? The chapter is 50% done.

The bad news? The chapter is 50% done.

As usual Danzo is the one causing troubles. Somehow I've managed to make him a "chatty-Cathy" which is just so wrong. Takes OOC to a whole new level. So that's a re-write that needs to be done a.s.a.p. And I don't have a lot of descriptions about his facial expressions- because let's face it, he's as expressive as a rock. Such a pain as it leaves most of dialogues hanging awkwardly and Harry just seems like a creep because he keeps staring... and this probably makes no sense so I'll stop.

Also I found a long scene in there- well I'm not sure why it's there. I think I might have written it as some sort of gag scene, because it's just too ridiculous to be part of the chapter. I can't remember what I was thinking when I wrote it.

Either way, I don't think chapter 11 will go over the 10,000 mark after I'm done with the re-writing, cutting and editing. But ah well, I think it'll be an interesting chapter that'll definitely be out before Christmas.

Off to do some writing and editing,

P.S. Gah, my fingers hurt. I forgot my gloves at home today- bad day to do so. And let's just say my fingers are not pleased. Have you ever tried using door keys with cold fingers? Painful. Took me five minutes of fumbling in the dark to do so.

P.P.S. So... yeah, how are you guys? Some of you PMed my ffnet ages ago and I failed to reply. Sorry about that. I hope you don't mind the late replies- which I shall get to in a while.

P.P.P.S  You know as much as I want to hate Danzo- I really can't. In a way, he's a 'real' ninja and you have to give him some credit for that. He did cause more problems than he solved but... I think he's interesting. I wish he was easier to write- but a part of me likes the challenge he poses.


  1. Ouch, I know that feeling. The weather was so cold I felt like my nose and ears was going to fall off, never mind my fingers. I sort of missed it now though *sigh at the wind and rain* Can't win.

    I don't hate Danzo exactly, but as you say, most of his plans were unnecessary and damaging (the new tidbit about Root's system made me go double-you-tee-eff, seriously) - 'real' ninja or no, I'd thought he's have enough sense to know which plans are insane *and* unproductive. And of course I'm very willing to snarl and bare claws at him if he does threaten my favorites, so I can't say I like him very much right now.

    However, since there's no mention of blood and carnage I am cautiously optimistic that the meeting stayed civil. And maybe you can post the gag scene as an omake? *googly eyes* NaNo took most of my favorite fic writers so for a while I also went sabbatical on fanfiction. Downloaded a lot of free ebooks and tried to to read them (with varying success), but I do miss my fix. Hope your muse cooperates with you!

  2. Hey there! Good to hear you managed to finish NaNoWriMo and I'm glad you're writing on chapter 11 *excited* ...Were you really expecting Danzo not to cause trouble? xD I don't dislike Danzo, presonally - he just has another view on what it means to be a shinobi and how to best protect Konoha... that's not to say I agree with his methods, because I don't.

    You could post that long gag scene here, couldn't you? To tide us over until chapter 11 comes out? :D

  3. For a starter, I love your new poll... What do you think I answered?

    Secondly... Well, at least Danzo is consistent with his ideals, ready to sacrify himself, and loves his country, and is a true ninja. I can respect that. So, I see what you mean. And so Danzo is not so much of a very bad villain, as the only villain you can have inside the village Still, just because fanatics are dedicated definitely doesn't make them people I like.

    Very VERY long rant about the Uchiha family:

    On the other end (and isn't that hypocritical of me), in answer to your answer about Itachi and Sasuke on Sarahsomething's profile: I'm actually very fond of Sasuke. Not as much as I love Naruto of course, but I'm still fond of him. Of course, he's a nasty one, the longer you go into the fic. He made some very bad choice, and is so self-centered he's ready to hurt the whole world in order not to be the only one hurting anymore (were these sentences English and understandable?), and is too stupid to see the value of Naruto's friendship.

    But... however bad he gets, I'll always remembre the kid that half smiled when he thought nobody saw him, threw himself in front of senbons to save Naruto's life and was kinda protective of Sakura. Naive of me, maybe, but that's the way I feel. And really, the brother he loved killed his whole family when he was 8, then tortured him and put him in a coma, and then he was raised as a killer. He then spent 3 years surrounded by sociopaths (Orochimaru and Kabuto as your closest people, really?). Even if THAT was because of his stupid and traitorous choice (and still, he spared Naruto's life), a bad decision at 12 had repercussions that could only be terrible for an already very fragile psyche. And then he killed a brother that he still probably still loved somehow, despite everything (and the very idea of killing one of my siblings makes me sick) and discovered his brother had actuallt killed his family on orders and suffered and loved him all along and he' d just killed him. And Sasuke's still stupid to have fallen for Madara's manipulation and not questioned his role in the massacre and only thinks on revenge, but I consider him more as a "gone mad with hurt" than 'really nasty" guy. But man, has he gone mad. And of course, Naruto would have handled this life much better and not complained all along.

    And, as much as Itachi's hairs can be distracting: well, I agree he was a good one finally, but for a genius who was so good and smart, how the hell did he never think driving his brother crazy wasn't a good way to push him? Certainly Sasuke going to Orochimaru should have tipped him off? And if Sasuke went crazy, didn't Itachi think Madara would try and get to him? I understand what he was trying to do, and I'm not trying to put all Sasuke's actions's responsability on his shoulders, but I think on that one, Itachi messed up. But well, he's so good looking...

    Did you have to scare us so with your post title? Just because you got a scare you had to share it with us? lol

    And we're not at all trying to coerce you into putting the fun scene you just deleted from chapter 11 on this website. But if you don't do it, we'll bother you to no end...

    Congrats on achieving NaNoWriMo. S is quite the name for the villain ;-)

    Can't wait ot see Harry and Naruto and Danzo and the two clowns, and of course Hedwig, again. Good luck writing!


  4. It is over! Finally you can procrastinate to your heart's content! Read all of those favorite updated fanfictions. Soon the holidays will be here which will allow for more procrastinating. Just don't procrastinate too much, ok?


  5. Has the Itachi lover you are read "Perchance to dream", and its sequels "Ravel, unravel" and "Shades" from TaikoHawk? They're exceptional stories, very well thought and written.
    Shades is edited every week or so...
    Aww, I am encouraging you to procrastinate instead of writing?


  6. Yup, and then you come in to a warm place, and your fingers burn like crazy. Ahh, sillyness. Gloves are the one pieces of clothing which annoys me to no end. I forget it a lot. And even if I don't somehow or the other I'm always losing a glove somewhere. I'm just cursed to suffer with cold fingers.

    Danzo's planning was way off. Guess he was a lot more senile than he let off. How he survived for so long and gained so much power, I'll never truly understand.

    I'll definitely try to put the gag scene up- it has the potential to be a nice deleted scene if I take out the obvious OOC-ness out of it.

  7. Well I expected all my trouble with Danzo in this chapter to be done with. I'm pretty sure I went in to NaNoWriMo with that confidence. Then I came back from that and read the parts with Danzo in it- and it seemed so horrible. It was the weirdest sensation.

    The gag scene will come out after chapter 11. There's so much that can be added to that piece of writing.

  8. I'm pretty sure you answered the poll similar to everyone else.

    Yeah Danzo is just not a likeable person. Respectable for believing in and sticking with his unpopular ideals? Sure. But other than that, he's more of a hindrance than anything else.

    Sasuke is another character who's hard to categorize, at least for me. At times he's likable because he does things his own way. But then he's dis-likable because he does things his own way. If that makes any sense.Personally, I'd like to think that the whole I'm-going-to-kill-everyone spiel of his is just an act he's putting up so that he can help Naruto discreetly. Yes, I'm foolishly optimistic like that.

    And Itachi...well hopefully Kisihimoto will shed some light on his thought process in the current manga arc.

    I didn't even realize that the post title reflected my scare about accidentally deleting chapter 11. How odd...

    S... yeah. It's one of those epic evil names. Very evil-y and stuff. =)

  9. Haha, well there's still other work to catch up on. Dec is a hectic month without all the fanfiction writing that's pending. So it'll be a bit longer till I'm free to actually procrastinate.

  10. Oh Gosh, I have the insane urge to drop everything and read those stories now. Haha, but I suppose I'll have to restrain myself till Xmas break.

    Thanks for showing those fics to me. They really do seem interesting.

  11. Pariah_authorDecember 12, 2010

    Almost 2 weeks now since NaNoWriMo ended and both you and I still haven't put up new chapters. On the bright side, you're probably working on a little bit of AtO each day. Me? I'm not that industrious. I tend to forget about my stories for weeks on end and then crank out a 6,000 ~ 9,000 word document in one or two sessions. I'm going on a month now without an update.

    When will we see Harry again? Preferably without meddling old people making his life uncomfortable. Shame on you Danzo! Harry has done nothing to deserve being near you!

    I'm not a Danzo fan, as you've probably guessed. There's believing in your ideals over someone else's, and then there's building an entire organization out of orphans to undermine your leader's authority. So yeah, screw Danzo.

    As for why I put that Hell's nursing home comment up in the previous comment section... because I could. :)

  12. Pariah_authorDecember 17, 2010

    Hm. Coming up on Christmas pretty soon. Unless you finish in the next week, it doesn't look like you can keep your holiday deadline.

  13. 97% done? The last part shouldn't take more than half an hour to type up then. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter, hopefully in late night 21 or early in the morning of 22.

  14. How is it going? Getting anywhere, or Christmas stealing your life? ;)

  15. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that !!!

  16. I hope nothing is wrong, the last time an author whose work I was reading dropped off the face of the planet I found their blog and discovered in the old posts they'd been receiving chemotherapy treatments.....had to draw the natural conclusion. that particular fiction would not be finished.

  17. Thank you! Happy New Year to you too!

    I hope you had a wonderful Xmas.

  18. Christmas did not steal my life... much. Lol, sorry for the late reply and everything.

  19. Thank you for your concern! But I'm fine.

    The update was delayed by my own carelessness, really. I really should have paid more attention to this blog over the holidays.
