04 January 2011

Chapter 11 A/N

Timeline- In the manga, you can hardly tell if any days passed between the various arcs. I’ve decided to expand canon Naruto timeline so that there’s more time (a week or more time) between arcs. Of course, important manga times that are mentioned in the series will be followed- for eg: 3 days to remove a bijuu, etc. I won’t mess with that stuff later.
Nara having property outside of Konoha- Well this is mostly conjecture after the whole Hidan fight and stuff. I doubt Shikamaru would have brought Hidan inside the actual walled village. So there must be a property outside of Konoha. Also the old Naruto filler episodes had something about a Nara lab.

On a related note, this is a shishi odoshi.

Citizenship and shop ownership- Gosh, writing that bit was just so ugh…I kept going around in circles and it took me forever to edit it to make some coherent sense. I hope you followed through and caught on to what the elders were trying to get from Harry.

Ichigen- is a canon character. Nothing much to say about him other than he’s a monk with hardly any air time in the show/manga. Hmm, he might have been in the filler episodes but I didn’t really watch those.

Danzo- I don’t think this chapter makes him evil/manipulative enough. It’s like he’s almost… dull. Maybe I’m not cut out for ‘evil’ writing. Villains are very obviously my weak point. Same goes for elders whose names I can’t really remember at the moment.

Broom with the no-shrinking! – That’s just my logic. I don’t think you can just shrink a broom and expect it to work perfectly fine after you un-shrink it. A broom has tons of magic on it to work properly so using a spell on it could cause it to act all wonky. 
My reasons?
-         There’s a manual servicing kit which might imply that if you tried to clean a broom with magic something might happen.
-         I’ve taken my cue from GoF- where Harry summons his broom rather than shrinking it and hiding it in his pocket or something. Of course you can argue that Harry didn’t learn the shrinking charm because it’s advanced. But be a bit reasonable, Harry would do anything to learn a new advanced spell if it actually worked and helped him. Case in point- the Patronus in 3rd year. You could also say that Harry didn’t shrink the broom and take it because he didn’t want to show that he had any knowledge of the dragon…but, meh.

Invigoration Draught - A canon potion that Harry had to make in fifth year. Not much information about it. Personally, I think it’s probably similar to coffee/an energy drink- the kind that wakes you up for while but leaves you twice as tired later.

Will add more things in here if there are any questions. 


  1. I could never say "manual broom servicing kit" with a straight face.....innuendo is often unavoidable and sometimes accidental. I forget the sentence it was used in that happened to make it more obscene, but I knew someone who posted a sign with the word communications misspelled. It took forever to convince her that it was supposed to have an "o" and not a "u" as the 1st vowel.

  2. Lol, well I don't think anyone intentionally writes stuff like that. It just happens and you do tend to end up with some really questionable pieces of writing. There have been times I'm trying to write out a harmless scene, but as soon as you read bits and pieces out of context- they sound like parts of a bad porno.

    That being said... sometimes it's utterly hilarious to find stuff like that especially in a serious piece of writing (like something in a textbook). It appeases my inner pervert and makes reading less tedious.
