Warnings: Not edited- expect errors. Also I can't really clarify when this occurs in the AtO time-line.
Kotetsu climbed the apartment building's stairs with an overwhelming sense of unease. Did something happen? He then shook his head. They're probably not even here. I'm just overreacting. But Izumo was supposed to be back with Harii an hour ago.
He knocked loudly.
“The door's open!”
Harii's home? Kotetsu frowned. So Izumo didn't pick him up! Did he get called away or something?
Kotetsu opened the door and stared. Izumo was sprawled across the couch looking a bit green. “Izumo, what happened to you? And why are there so many bowls everywhere?”
Izumo gave him a pained look and shuffled deeper in to the couch.
“Kotetsu, come here! I want you to try this!”
Kotetsu walked in to the kitchen and frowned. “Is that ramen? Since when did you make ramen, Harii?"
"Since today morning!" Harii replied as he rolled out some dough meticulously and cut up long strings of noodles. Kotetsu watched him in awe. He's cutting them like a professional. No hesitation and such speed. And he only started making it today morning?
Kotetsu sat at the dining table and cleared his throat hesitatingly. "So why are you making so much ramen?"
Harii held up his hand motioning for him to wait for a few moments as he boiled the noodles carefully making sure to devote his complete attention to the task at hand. Kotetsu watched it with a slight sense of wariness. He looks way too serious.
"Here, try this for me, would you?" Harri said and put a steaming bowl of ramen on the table in front of him. Kotetsu inhaled the scent wafting up from the bowl and grinned. He split the chopsticks apart and grabbed some noodles.
As he lifted his chopsticks to his mouth, he noticed Harii staring at him. Kotetsu stared at his chopsticks suspiciously. "Is something wrong?"
Harii shook his head. "Just wanted to see an honest opinion of the first taste."
"Oh ok." Kotetsu shrugged and shoved the noodles in his mouth. He chewed once.
And spit it out in disgust.
"Again?" Harii stared at the bowl in despair.
Kotetsu scrubbed at his tongue viciously as he watched Harii. "What do you mean again?"
"I've been trying since morning to make ramen from scratch that actually tastes good. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It smells and looks fine, but as soon as you taste it..." Harii sat on the chair, slouched forward and slammed his head on the dining table.
Kotetsu frowned and stared at the bowl of ramen. "So just don't make ramen."
Harii looked up and glared at him. "I can't just give up."
"Why not? You cook other things just fine..." Kotetsu adjusted the bandages that ran across his nose. "Some of that is almost restaurant quality."
"But..." Harii sighed and stared at the bowl.
Kotetsu pushed the bowl away. "You should just stick to what you know."
"Maybe I just need more practice. I mean I just started today." Harii said.
"Don't you usually manage to make eatable food on the first try? Like that time you made that complicated soup from that recipe book?" Kotetsu tapped his fingers against the table top. "Hmm, that was good soup. You should make that instead of ramen. You've probably gotten better with that recipe now."
Harii groaned and slammed his head on to the table again. "Then why can't I make ramen? I followed the stupid instructions and everything..."
"Why is ramen so important anyway?"
Harii shrugged and glared at the bowl. "I guess I should throw that. You should check on Izumo. He said he was fine but he hasn't moved in a while..."
Kotetsu nodded and walked in to the living room. "Izumo? You all right?"
Izumo looked up. "Please tell me he's done."
"Yeah I guess. How many times did you..." Kotetsu said, keeping his voice low.
"Too many. I thought they needed more than one bite to get to the real taste."
"Why didn't you just tell him to stop?" Kotetsu wondered absently.
"He looked so earnest. I didn't want to..."
"Idiot." Kotetsu shook his head. "Do you need some stomach medicine?"
"I'll just sleep it off."
"Fine. See if I ever offer my help to you again."
"As if I'd want your help, moron." Izumo pushed himself to a seating position and promptly winced clutching his stomach. "I think I'll just stay here for a while."
"I wonder why he's so serious about making ramen. You can get those instant ramen packets." Kotetsu absently picked up a scrap of paper lying by the couch. Hmm, Harii draws?
Izumo said, his voice muffled by the couch. "Don't you know a special person of Harii's who loves ramen?"
"Special person? Harii has a girlfriend? When did this happen and why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Kotetsu leaned forward and smacked the back of Izumo's head.
"You moron!" Izumo glared at him. "Who said anything about a girlfriend?"
"So a boyfriend?" Kotetsu rubbed the bandage across his nose. "How surprising. Why didn’t he tell us?"
Izumo narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "Sometimes I really wonder if I should cut off your syrup supply. Obviously it's making you twice as stupid." He sighed loudly. "Kotetsu, which orange wearing person in Konoha loves ramen?"
Kotetsu oh-ed. "Naruto?"
"Yeah! How'd you even end up thinking of..."
"That's because you emphasised special someone. What am I supposed to think?" Kotetsu waved his hand in irritation.
"You’re an idiot! Were you planning on setting Harii up with someone or something?"
"No! Of course not! Who do I look like to you? Idiot-Isshin?"
Kotetsu looked to the side to find Harii holding a cup and staring at them with an exasperated look. "Kotetsu, you shouldn't stress an invalid person."
"Who are you calling invalid!" Izumo groaned, fell back to the couch and muttered, “And whose fault do you think this is, anyway?”
Harii just shrugged and walked in to his plant room. I can’t believe he made that entire room a place for his plants. But before Kotetsu could say anything, Harii returned.
"Here you go. Drink that up." Harii pushed a cup of something in to Izumo's hands. Kotetsu gagged at the smell and Izumo's face took on a green-ish tinge.
"Are you trying to kill me, Harii?"
Harii gave Izumo an amused smirk. "I wonder if this is some common ninja weakness. Everyone is always wary of me giving them medicines just from the smell itself."
Kotetsu frowned. When did he give a ninja medicine? And who...
"Oh, go on." Harry pushed the cup insistently. “If you drink that, we’ll be able to go out to eat already.’
Izumo sniffed the concoction once again and groaned.
“And I’ll pay for anything you want to eat, even if it’s expensive,” Harry said. “Like maybe some food from, oh I don’t know… the very heavenly establishment of Kusaka’s.”
Kotetsu couldn’t smother his laughter fast enough as Izumo’s eyes widened. “How do you know about that? Kotetsu, did you tell him?”
Kotetsu huffed. “What? No!”
Harii grinned looking rather devious. “So the story about you getting drunk out of your mind and confessing your undying love to Kusaka’s chef just before you fell face first in to a pot of sauce was actually true?”
“You forgot the part where he broke five tables and a door in order to reach the chef in the first place,” Kotetsu said.
“Kotetsu! So you were the one who told him.” Izumo stood up but fell back with a grimace. He frowned, and downed the foul smelling liquid in his hand with one large gulp.
“Izumo, not that fast! You were supposed to wait till I got the water.” Harry ran to the kitchen.
Kotetsu snickered at Izumo’s disgusted expression. “So it does taste as bad as it smells.”
“Worse. I can’t believe he made me drink that useless…” Izumo stopped.
“Izumo? What happened?” Kotetsu asked feeling rather worried at the pause.
“I feel fine,” Izumo said and flexed his arm experimentally and stood up. “In fact, I feel better than ever. Even my arm is fine.”
“Your arm? You mean the one you strained from training last night.”
“Yeah.” Izumo looked up at him in surprise. “My whole body feels fine. Better actually.”
“From drinking the smelly herb drink?” Kotetsu whispered. Maybe Izumo’s delusional from all those fumes. No, he’s actually moving a lot smoother than before.
Izumo nodded just as Harry came back with a glass of water. “I’m going to have a talk with the apartment manager. Looks like something’s wrong with the hot water. Here, hope you don’t mind ice cold water.”
Izumo rolled his eyes. “I’m a ninja. Ice cold water is not the worst thing I’ve had to drink.”
Harii gave him a wry look. “Somehow I just know the medicine I gave you is one of the worst things you’ve had to drink.”
“Worst but the most helpful. My stomach-ache is long gone.” Izumo said and gulped down the water. “Where did you learn to make something like that?”
Harii tilted his head to the side and smiled. “I learnt to make it here in Konoha itself. I was reading up some stuff and decided to experiment with some old techniques. The thing I gave you is probably so weak it’s not all that useful…”
Not all that useful? But it made Izumo’s training pains vanish. Kotetsu felt a little faint and Izumo looked just as surprised. Just what the heck was he trying to recreate then? And where did he learn his old techniques.
Harii was still talking. “It’s a one time medicine right now. Take it too often and it gets useless.” He paused with an irritated look. “I still haven’t gotten the right formula for the stuff I have here. But enough of that! Since you’re all better let’s go out and eat. I want to see Kusaka’s chef.”
Izumo sputtered. “I thought you said we chose the place.”
Harii smiled. “I’m sure you’d love to go back there. Right Kotetsu?”
Kotetsu nodded. “Yeah.” Maybe we’ll find out some more when we’re eating. After all, everyone gets talkative with food.
A/N: The 'gag' scene removed from chapter 11. Obviously I changed POV and re-wrote most of it- to make it more un-gag-like? Still feels like something is missing from it, though.
A dumping ground for all my unedited writing, nonsensical thoughts and current chapter progress.
31 January 2011
23 January 2011
Requested Drabbles (Part 3)
Warnings: Not edited at all.
5- Harry finds Jiraiya peeking into Hot springs (from Lanelle)
Merlin, not again! Harry swiveled around trying to gain his bearings. “Why aren’t there any bloody signs anywhere?”
He twitched when he heard an odd giggle from somewhere to his side. And someone has the gall to laugh at my misery! Why I ought to… Harry turned around searching for the unhelpful person. He frowned when he didn’t see anyone standing and staring at him.
Laughing at me and then hiding. Wonderful, now I’m even more irritated at this person.
Harry was about to leave in another direction when he heard the giggling start up again. He felt a muscle on his forehead twitch violently all of a sudden. On a sudden impulse, Harry followed the sounds of the giggles.
He passed by a few stalls, turned down some roads and crossed over a bridge. How in the world can someone be giggling this loud? Or have I suddenly managed to gain super-hearing?
He paused at the sudden increased in humidity and noticed a large sign that read, “Konoha’s Hot Springs”
Hot springs? There’s one in the village? He ignored his thoughts as he heard the giggle once again. He walked around the main entrance and stopped when he caught sight of a white-haired man crouched by a wooden fence.
A man is giggling next to a fence? Harry shook his head and turned away from the sight. Obviously he’s one of those crazy drunk people. I just wasted my time…
Harry frowned when he caught sounds of muffled female talking. He turned back just as the man giggled and said, “Ohh, yes, yes, remove that towel and show Jiraiya-sama that wonderful young female body…”
He’s peeping. Harry felt scandalized. That no-good old man! How dare he? And why can’t the other people hear him? Harry looked around carefully, moved out of sight and made a discreet wand movement in the man’s direction. Sonorous.
It only took a second for the old man’s next giggle to be broadcast loudly and seemingly everywhere via the spell. Harry felt smug when voices from beyond the fence yelled, “Pervert!” and a few towel-clad women actually crashed through the fence with weapons drawn.
“JIRAIYA! So you were here after all.”
Harry turned around warily and found an irritated looking Hokage standing on of the roof of the building opposite the onsen and cracking a fist.
Harry murmured a soft Finite Incantatum and walked away. I’m sure the Hokage will deal with him appropriately. Hmm, although his name does sound familiar. Pft, it’s probably not important anyway. I better go back to searching for a way home.
6- Harry meets Gamabunta. (from Euphoretic)
Harry stared at the large sword in front of him.
“Well, are you backing out then, you scrawny tadpole?”
Harry rolled his eyes and looked up at the large orange toad. “If I lift this you’ll carry Naruto and me all the way to Snow Country and then back again without complaint.”
The large toad laughed and Naruto grabbed a hold of Harry’s sleeve. “Uh, nii-san maybe we should just…”
Harry scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. We need a vacation far away from these people here and we need to get there fast without tiring ourselves out. This is the best option.”
“But you can’t…” Naruto frowned as he looked at the sword.
“Can’t?” Harry repeated.
“Even I can’t lift it. You’ll get injured trying to lift that. Then we won’t be able to have any sort of vacation because you’ll be in the hospital! We should just go the onsen village and…”
Harry smiled in amusement. “Naruto, you’re so naïve. I intend to get that free ride to snow country and some oversized sword isn’t going to stop me.”
Harry moved forward and looked up at the toad. “So do you agree to my terms, Gamabunta-san?”
“Do you agree to mine?” Gamabunta said as he puffed on his pipe.
Harry rolled his eyes. “Yes! If I can’t lift up the sword I’ll buy you the super expensive sake from Moon country for the rest of my life.” He moved forward and examined the sword carefully. A combination of a levitation charm, a feather-light charm and a sticking charm maybe? But I need to get on higher ground and it’s not like I can climb on this toad…
Harry turned to Naruto. “Can you make some clones and stack them up? I need to reach the handle of the sword.”
Naruto just nodded with a wary look.
Gamabunta laughed loudly. “What good will that do I wonder? Such a persistent brat…”
Harry ignored the toad and climbed up on Naruto’s wobbly stack of clones until he reached the handle. With a few minutes of intense concentration and making sure his holstered wand tip made contact with the sword handle, Harry held on to the sword handle and lifted.
He smirked when Gamabunta’s pipe fell to the ground with a loud thump and crack and the Naruto clones yelled in excitement. “So Gamabunta-san, we’ll be leaving by this evening.”
Hmm, not really all that funny I suppose and may be sort of predictable but it's the only thing that came to me at the prompts. My creativity seems to be at a low point right now.
P.S. Success! No Itachi-haunting in these drabbles. Now if only I could manage the same success with that idiotic oneshot.
P.P.S. Chapter 12 is progressing slowly...but don't expect it anytime soon.
P.S. Success! No Itachi-haunting in these drabbles. Now if only I could manage the same success with that idiotic oneshot.
P.P.S. Chapter 12 is progressing slowly...but don't expect it anytime soon.
14 January 2011
What am I up to?
Well, I'm not working on chapter 12, if that's what you thought. Before you get all panicky about it- I have to say there's about 4500+ words written out for it. And I haven't stopped writing because of writer's block or anything.
No, I don't get to make normal excuses like that.
As I was telling some of you guys before, I've managed to entangle myself in a really deadly one-shot plot bunny. It's obviously a HP crossover but not a bleach crossover, funnily enough. It's a HP X KHR (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) one-shot plot bunny.
The plot bunny came to me over the holidays and I wrote down scraps of it, happy to record it and leave it. But I can't seem to leave it be now. From those few scraps I've somehow ended up with 5000 words. And it's still nowhere near resolved/done. It keeps haunting me when I try to work on chapter 12.
By the way, those 5000 words ... they're very incomplete snippets.
Gah, it's so unfair. Why can I never get that many words so quickly when I have to write non-fanfiction things?
Interesting things I've come across (haven't done this in a long time!)
1- Those Campbell Boys by l. marie benjamin [SupernaturalX Criminal Minds fanfic]
This is a wonderfully complex crossover fic that takes you for a ride. It's very imaginative and blends both fandoms in to a plausible universe. I personally love the fic because Reid's altered history is just so interesting in it. A must read if you like both fandoms.
Well, that's all for right now,
P.S. Side note- I have a BleachXNaruto crossover that's just sitting sadly on my desktop because I don't know how it should end.
P.P.S There are still like six more open slots for drabble requests. So if no one new asks for anything I'll probably just write out whatever was asked for/listed on this post.
P.P.P.S Also deleted scene number three is on it's way (within the next few days probably)
No, I don't get to make normal excuses like that.
As I was telling some of you guys before, I've managed to entangle myself in a really deadly one-shot plot bunny. It's obviously a HP crossover but not a bleach crossover, funnily enough. It's a HP X KHR (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) one-shot plot bunny.
The plot bunny came to me over the holidays and I wrote down scraps of it, happy to record it and leave it. But I can't seem to leave it be now. From those few scraps I've somehow ended up with 5000 words. And it's still nowhere near resolved/done. It keeps haunting me when I try to work on chapter 12.
By the way, those 5000 words ... they're very incomplete snippets.
Gah, it's so unfair. Why can I never get that many words so quickly when I have to write non-fanfiction things?
Interesting things I've come across (haven't done this in a long time!)
1- Those Campbell Boys by l. marie benjamin [SupernaturalX Criminal Minds fanfic]
This is a wonderfully complex crossover fic that takes you for a ride. It's very imaginative and blends both fandoms in to a plausible universe. I personally love the fic because Reid's altered history is just so interesting in it. A must read if you like both fandoms.
Well, that's all for right now,
P.S. Side note- I have a BleachXNaruto crossover that's just sitting sadly on my desktop because I don't know how it should end.
P.P.S There are still like six more open slots for drabble requests. So if no one new asks for anything I'll probably just write out whatever was asked for/listed on this post.
P.P.P.S Also deleted scene number three is on it's way (within the next few days probably)
11 January 2011
Requested Drabbles (Part 2)
Warnings: Not edited at all and rather crack-tastic.
3- Harry meets Kakashi (from Romantiscue)
Harry browsed through the various shelves looking for a helpful book of some sort. He idly picked up a book on herbs when the bell at the storefront rang.
There was some shuffling and a vague greeting from the storeowner. “Ohh, back again?”
“Nothing can keep me away. Oh that back looks familiar. Harii?”
That voice is familiar… Harry turned around, “Hello Kakashi-sen…” He paused and stared at the space behind Kakashi. With a startled yelp he fell back and looked away from Kakashi.
“Harii? Is something wrong?” Kakashi walked towards Harry.
“Don’t come any closer!” Harry looked up only to turn away with a cringe.
“You know there’s nothing I can do to help.” Harry angled his way towards the shop entrance. “You’ve never left that place before… how are you able to move?”
“What? I don’t understand. Harii,” Kakashi said sounding worried.
“Leave me alone.” Harry yelled. He ran out of the store, through crowded streets and in to a deserted alleyway.
“You weren’t scared enough.”
Harry looked up and frowned. “Really?”
The boy shook his head and jumped to stand beside Harry. “It doesn’t really matter. Right now, we have to wait for Naruto to come and confront you about the way you acted. Then we move of to phase two.”
Harry scratched the back of his neck. “No, going to phase two so soon… it’ll mess things up. I need to spend some more time acting terrified out of my mind when I see Kakashi. Need to establish more credibility.”
They walked in silence for a few minutes.
“I think the next time you see him, you should mutter a Buddhist exorcism chant…”
Harry grimaced. “What good would that do?”
“It’ll hint that you’re seeing a ghost.”
Harry frowned.
Itachi sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just trust me. The incantation is Rin, pyou, tou…”
“Ugh, I’m not going to remember that,” Harry said in despair.
“Then write it down on your hand and pretend you’re praying when you see him. That’ll allow you to read it.”
“That could work,” Harry said. “Now, tell me. What did you find out about Kakashi’s …”
“Looks like those two are at it again,” Tsunade said as she stared in to the gleaming crystal ball.
Shizune looked up from the scroll she was reading. “Oh, what is it this time?”
“They’re trying to exorcise Kakashi or something.” Tsunade rolled her eyes. “Idiots.”
Shizune frowned. “I wonder how many people they’ll fool this time.”
“All of them, just like always,” Tsunade said in resignation. “It’s ridiculous. Even though everyone expects them to pull something… they always manage to fool people. What does that say about our ninja force?”
Shizune shrugged. “Maybe it says that… Konoha's Uzumaki Uchiha combination is a force to be reckoned with?”
Tsunade snorted and rubbed her forehead. “I shouldn't have forced Uchiha Itachi to take sick leave.”
“You reap what you sow, Tsunade-sama.” Shizune nodded sagely.
4- Harry bumps in to Sasuke (from Pariah_author)
“Hedwig, that’s obviously not Itachi. Why are you stopping above him?”
The black haired boy in front of Harry started. “What? What did you just say?”
Is he a bit slow? Harry frowned. “I was talking to my owl.”
The boy narrowed his eyes. “You said Itachi. Why are you searching for him?”
“What are you, my mother?” Harry said.
“Just answer me, you stupid…”
A tall orange haired boy grabbed a hold of the black haired boy’s shoulder. “Ahh, Sasuke, don’t get angry at him.”
“Don’t interrupt me Juugo,” Sasuke said. “You! Tell me about your connection to Itachi.”
“There’s only one reason for you getting all bitchy because of Itachi. He stole your dango too, didn’t he?” Harry shook his head and sighed. “Ahh, I really wonder why I’m still his friend. The idiot keeps eating my stash of…”
Harry nodded. “Yeah. Friends as in idiots who make you worry by doing stupid things like stealing dango from dangerous people.”
“Your friend…” Sasuke’s face turned sour. “Itachi steals... dango.”
Harry nodded. “I guess we could search for him together. I have a feeling he’s going to do something monumentally stupid. I suppose extra help in stopping him would be useful.”
Sasuke scoffed and walked past Harry. “Waste of time. Get out of my way.”
Juugo, the orange haired boy said, “I’m sorry. He’s not…”
“Juugo, stop wasting time with that useless person. Let’s go.”
Harry stared at the pair and then turned to Hedwig. “There’s no way that rude Sasuke person likes dango. Ah, whatever, let's go find Itachi.”
A/N Why Itachi? How are you worming your way into my writings in these ridiculous ways?
P.S. Should I format this post to have spaces between lines? Or is it easier to read the post like this?
06 January 2011
Requested Drabbles (Part 1)
So this is the first batch of requested drabbles. I’ll be doing them small batches of 2-3 drabbles per post because long blog posts are just scary. So, don’t worry if your drabble isn’t written yet.
I tried to choose the ideas which seemed very unlikely to occur in the actual AtO plotline.
I've most probably twisted the prompts in to something you hadn’t actually intended to see. What can I say? The urge to surprise you guys was too hard to resist.
Warnings: Not edited at all. Not part of established chapters for AtO.
1- Itachi hears about a familiar craftsman from Konoha (from Little Kaijuu)
“Rei! Wasn’t that one of a kind frame of yours broken?” An old lady said from the customer side of the counter.
Rei laughed. “It was. But I managed to get it fixed?”
“Fixed? How? Wasn’t it shattered?”
“It was. Remember how I was so mad at Hikaru because there was no way it could have been fixed,” Rei said her voice amused.
The customer nodded.
“Well, Hikaru came across a craftsman who could fix things back to its original form.”
“Really? Just like that? Why didn’t I hear of this craftsman?”
“You probably saw him. He came in here a few times as well. You just wouldn’t think of him as a craftsman. He was such a gentleman, always polite and respectful. And his beautiful white owl was so dignified.” Rei sighed and leaned forward. “I think he’s one of those fallen Princes. You know the ones who’ve been betrayed and fallen on to hard times forced to live as a commoner.”
Itachi perked up. Dignified white owl? Could it be? But he wasn’t a craftsman. He was a medic… and he was hardly prince-like. Itachi huffed and ate his dango relishing in the sweetness that spread in his mouth. No, it’s not him. He’s probably lost somewhere.
“Rei, you have such an overactive imagination…”
Itachi scoffed in agreement. Prince indeed…
“But now I remember who you’re talking about. The white owl is hard to forget. I really didn’t think he was a craftsman. Ohh I know that look, you’re thinking of getting Akane married to him right?”
Typical. Itachi finished his stick of dango.
“I think Harii would make the perfect husband for Akane.”
Harii? No… Itachi shook his head and took a sip of his tea. Harii is a very… common name, I suppose. Well, he can’t be the only Harii out there. It can’t be him.
“Oh they should. Can you just imagine the children? Such beautiful bright green eyes…”
Itachi promptly choked on his tea.
2- Harry’s pain tolerance impresses Ibiki. (from Tails)
Harry paused in the street and stared at the flyer with wide eyes.
Izumo turned to Harry with a worried frown. “What?”
“That’s the top of the line ultra-rare celebrity-endorsed stir-fry pan!” Harry said and pointed to the flyer. “Don’t you recognize it? It’s the perfect pan for making …”
Izumo crossed his arms in the air. “Don’t care.”
Kotetsu nodded beside Izumo. “Yeah, we’re going to be late…”
Harry turned back to the flyer. “I can’t believe they’re giving it away as a prize in an eating competition.”
“Right, well let’s hurry to Yakiniku’s…”
Harry interrupted him. “No, I’m entering this competition.”
“What? But…” Izumo walked closer to the flyer and frowned. “You won’t be able to win that competition.”
Harry glared at him. “I’m going to get that pan.”
Harry looked at the other contestants around him with an assessing gaze. I can do this. That person there might be a challenge… but I can do this.
Izumo shuffled behind him and prodded Harry’s shoulder. “Harii, you can still back out now. I really don’t think this is a good idea…”
Harry shook his head and stared at the owner of the small restaurant. “I need that pan.”
Kotetsu sighed. “Can’t you just buy it from somewhere?”
“There are only five in existence,” Harry said.
Izumo twitched. “How do you even know about it, then?”
Harry shushed him as the owner of the restaurant came forward. “All right, let’s get down to the event you’ve all been waiting for. The last person standing gets the prize…”
“Kamizuki, Hogane… what are you two doing here?” A gruff voice said. Harry was tempted to turn but he stopped himself and devoted his attention to the bowl in front of him.
“Ibiki-san?” Kotetsu sounded surprised.
Izumo said, “A friend is in the competition. We’re just cheering him?”
“Oh? Your friend must have guts. Where is he?”
There was some shuffling behind Harry and then Ibiki said, “You’re kidding.”
“No sir.”
“Not at all. We’re surprised he’s still in there,” Kotetsu said just as one of the competitors screamed with a red face and fainted.
Way to show faith in me guys. Harry rolled his eyes as he finished his bowl.
“And now we’re down to our final three. Now we’re going to bring out the highest level of spicy food our restaurant created. Yes, that’s right, the level that feels like you’re swallowing acid…”
“Harii,” Izumo said from behind. “Maybe you should…”
Harry turned around and glared at him absently examining the tall man standing beside Kotetsu and Izumo. Hmm, he looks familiar… and why is he smirking like that?
“What do mean I didn’t win?” Harry said and glared at the owner as Izumo and Kotetsu held him back. “I went through all your levels. I’m the only one conscious after that final round. That pan is mine…”
“Is there a problem here?” the gruff voice, from before interrupted them.
Harry watched as the owner turned to the voice in rage only to lose all colour in his face and start trembling. “S-s-shinobi-san, there’s no problem.”
“It seemed like there was. What’s with the ruckus, kid?”
What was his name again? Iki? No…Ibiki. Harry twitched. “He says he’s not giving me the pan because I cheated.”
“Cheated?” Ibiki said, “Do you have proof of him cheating?”
“No one is able to survive through our final level…”
Harry watched as Ibiki’s eyes narrowed. Oh, his scars really make him more intimidating. My scar probably just inspires pity or something.
“That’s not my question. I said …do you have proof of him cheating?”
The owner shook his head.
“Then shouldn’t you hand him his prize?”
“But it’s an ultra-rare…” the man started to protest but cowered when Ibiki glared.
After a few minutes, the owner shoved the pan in Harry’s hands with a sour look on his face.
Ibiki chuckled, “say kid, how about I treat you three to a free meal?”
Harry frowned when he noticed Izumo’s and Kotetsu’s shocked expressions and held the pan closer to him.
“I know a great chili place. But everyone I take there seems to find the food too spicy…” Ibiki laughed. “I don’t think you’ll mind.”
Oh, so he's not after the pan. Harry shrugged even as Kotetsu and Izumo groaned. “Sure, why not?”
**Extra: If things were different… (Absolute and total crack from me.)
Harry looked up at the sky. “You know, I’ve been thinking about getting Danzo a gift.”
The person beside him shifted and Harry turned to him. “No, really. I’m serious.”
The person shrugged slightly and looked away.
“Itachi, that’s not very nice. I’m sure he’s just a misguided person who’s actually very lonely and in need of gifts.”
“But Itachi didn’t say anything…” came Sai’s confused voice.
Naruto shushed him. “Nii-san said that because they were best friends they could communicate with their minds… it’s some sort of Uchiha ability.”
Harry had to smother a laugh when he caught wind of the whispers from behind them. He cleared his throat noisily. “No, I’m not going to give him that.”
Itachi quirked an eyebrow in disbelief.
“You know,” Harry said trying his best to keep his voice even. “If you can’t suggest something seriously, I’ll just do it myself.”
“But why is Harii speaking out loud?”
Naruto shushed him again. “Because nii-san likes the sound of his own voice.”
Itachi’s eyes sparkled in amusement and he turned away with his lips twitching.
Harry huffed. “I want to give him a gift, Itachi. Not a heart attack. He’s ancient, if I give him something like that, I’ll get in trouble.”
“Dammit, now I really want to hear what Itachi is saying!” Naruto whined. “He never says anything interesting to us. Why only nii-san?”
“Isn’t that because they’re best friends?”
Itachi raised his hand and made an odd signal.
Harry rolled his eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. That’s even worse… seriously, aren’t you supposed to be older and more mature than me.”
Itachi gave him an exasperated look.
“Sasuke didn’t believe me when I told him about the Uchiha best-friend mind communication,” Naruto said.
“Maybe Sasuke is jealous,” Sai said wisely, “because he’s unable to do it.”
“You know,” Harry smiled, “that could work. Of course I’d need to do a bit of planning before but still…”
Itachi shook his head.
“Well, so what if he’s under house arrest, I’m sure he’ll appreciate the gift either way.” Harry snickered at Itachi’s dull look.
“Maybe we can get a Yamanaka to listen in on their conversations.” Sai suggested.
“Yeah! Let’s do that!” Naruto said.
“I can’t believe they actually fell for that act of yours,” Itachi said after a moment of silence when they were completely alone.
“Oh please! You were playing along as well. What was with that obviously fake hand signal?” Harry grinned. “So what do you think?”
Itachi rolled his eyes but nodded. “All right, we’ll continue till we’ve fooled everyone else.”
“This is going to be fun,” Harry said, “best friend.”
“Stupid is more like it. And since when were we best friends, anyway?” Itachi stood up. “Next time though, maybe we should…”
Yay for drabbles! They make me practice and definitely help bring out new ideas and thoughts for the future.
P.S. Errr.. maybe I should have warned you about the Itachi overload first? Pft...no. Where's the fun in that?
04 January 2011
Chapter 11 A/N
Timeline- In the manga, you can hardly tell if any days passed between the various arcs. I’ve decided to expand canon Naruto timeline so that there’s more time (a week or more time) between arcs. Of course, important manga times that are mentioned in the series will be followed- for eg: 3 days to remove a bijuu, etc. I won’t mess with that stuff later.
Nara having property outside of Konoha- Well this is mostly conjecture after the whole Hidan fight and stuff. I doubt Shikamaru would have brought Hidan inside the actual walled village. So there must be a property outside of Konoha. Also the old Naruto filler episodes had something about a Nara lab.
On a related note, this is a shishi odoshi.
Citizenship and shop ownership- Gosh, writing that bit was just so ugh…I kept going around in circles and it took me forever to edit it to make some coherent sense. I hope you followed through and caught on to what the elders were trying to get from Harry.
Ichigen- is a canon character. Nothing much to say about him other than he’s a monk with hardly any air time in the show/manga. Hmm, he might have been in the filler episodes but I didn’t really watch those.
Danzo- I don’t think this chapter makes him evil/manipulative enough. It’s like he’s almost… dull. Maybe I’m not cut out for ‘evil’ writing. Villains are very obviously my weak point. Same goes for elders whose names I can’t really remember at the moment.
Broom with the no-shrinking! – That’s just my logic. I don’t think you can just shrink a broom and expect it to work perfectly fine after you un-shrink it. A broom has tons of magic on it to work properly so using a spell on it could cause it to act all wonky.
My reasons?
Invigoration Draught - A canon potion that Harry had to make in fifth year. Not much information about it. Personally, I think it’s probably similar to coffee/an energy drink- the kind that wakes you up for while but leaves you twice as tired later.
Will add more things in here if there are any questions.
Nara having property outside of Konoha- Well this is mostly conjecture after the whole Hidan fight and stuff. I doubt Shikamaru would have brought Hidan inside the actual walled village. So there must be a property outside of Konoha. Also the old Naruto filler episodes had something about a Nara lab.
On a related note, this is a shishi odoshi.
Citizenship and shop ownership- Gosh, writing that bit was just so ugh…I kept going around in circles and it took me forever to edit it to make some coherent sense. I hope you followed through and caught on to what the elders were trying to get from Harry.
Ichigen- is a canon character. Nothing much to say about him other than he’s a monk with hardly any air time in the show/manga. Hmm, he might have been in the filler episodes but I didn’t really watch those.
Danzo- I don’t think this chapter makes him evil/manipulative enough. It’s like he’s almost… dull. Maybe I’m not cut out for ‘evil’ writing. Villains are very obviously my weak point. Same goes for elders whose names I can’t really remember at the moment.
Broom with the no-shrinking! – That’s just my logic. I don’t think you can just shrink a broom and expect it to work perfectly fine after you un-shrink it. A broom has tons of magic on it to work properly so using a spell on it could cause it to act all wonky.
My reasons?
- There’s a manual servicing kit which might imply that if you tried to clean a broom with magic something might happen.
- I’ve taken my cue from GoF- where Harry summons his broom rather than shrinking it and hiding it in his pocket or something. Of course you can argue that Harry didn’t learn the shrinking charm because it’s advanced. But be a bit reasonable, Harry would do anything to learn a new advanced spell if it actually worked and helped him. Case in point- the Patronus in 3rd year. You could also say that Harry didn’t shrink the broom and take it because he didn’t want to show that he had any knowledge of the dragon…but, meh.
Invigoration Draught - A canon potion that Harry had to make in fifth year. Not much information about it. Personally, I think it’s probably similar to coffee/an energy drink- the kind that wakes you up for while but leaves you twice as tired later.
Will add more things in here if there are any questions.
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