Grimmjow- The Panther King by grindpantera0219
This fanart actually gave me the plot bunny for my story ages ago. I can't quite explain why the picture gave me a plot-bunny for a crossover story, but I'm very glad it did. I would have left a comment on the page, but I don't have a dA account (even though I lurk there all the time). So this is my thanks to the artist for inspiring me with a crazy but fun idea.
Bleach- Why tea only? by Washu-M
Bloody Macabre Halloween by blackstorm
As the title suggests, this is a picture of Grimmjow covered in blood. Even though he's covered in blood and looking rather insane- that's perfect because that's just how Grimmjow is- and this picture acted as a good reminder for me.
Of course, I did end up writing a lot of fighting and killing- which I have toned down- too much blood does get repetitive.
There isn't a lot of art of Grimmjow in his adjhucas form (at least I never saw any). But among the few that are there, this one really stands out to me.
It really has it's own unique mood and somehow manages to convey a different aspect of Grimmjow's attitude- and even a mixture of things, the longer you stare at it.
I'm really finding this year's NaNoWriMo odd, not because it's fanfiction or anything like that. It's just how I seem so much more eager to write the story backwards- i.e) the ending bits first (I have the final scene done!).
I've actually noticed this happening while writing for AtO as well- I write out bits of future chapters and even the epilogue easily but when I have to work on the chapter that needs to be published next I'm find myself not able to concentrate and work on it. But I only took proper notice of it when I was writing this story.
In a way, it's nice for me as a writer- like I know for sure that I know what's happening and how I want to resolve my story. I suppose this would work well if I'm writing a proper fiction novel (but that's not how I wrote last year's NaNoWriMo- then again I never had a proper ending for that story...)
But for fanfiction readers- it's probably very annoying since I can't really upload anything even though I'm writing so much. Future chapters will only make sense if I write out the previous chapters.
P.S. When I finally upload all my NaNoWriMo story's chapters online- I'll definitely do a Team 7 fanart feature!
Wow, this is really good timing. Speaking of fanart, I commissioned one from the talented glockgal (in lj) for The Strawberry Cake Scene in AtO. You can see it here-> I hope you like it! :D
ReplyDeleteThat... oh my gosh! That is so utterly wonderful and gorgeous and so many other adjectives!
ReplyDeleteAt first, I sort of didn't quite register your entire comment, I just clicked on the link and then when the picture came up, I stared at it in complete shock for a moment. And then I thought, 'Woah! That's a scene from AtO'. Quickly after that I had a slightly more insane thought of 'Someone looked in to my brain.'
But no, in all seriousness, that picture made my brain just blank out for a few minutes. In a good way, of course, because now I feel all warm and fuzzy from staring at the picture for too long.
Thank you so much Duchessa! For commissioning something from AtO (when you could have asked for anything else, I'm sure) from such a talented artist.
Does the artist- glockgal- have a gallery or something I could look through? I'd be happy to share the link so other people can find her beautiful artwork! And maybe even send her a note or something... that's how enamored I am with her style right now.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to stare at the picture some more. Or maybe make it my desktop wallpaper and imagine some scenes for chapter 13!
I'm so glad you like it (and if it serves as inspiration for chapter 13, then all the better!) !
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, glockgal is awesome. She has a huge gallery in her site here -> and in her art journal ->
Also, if you would like to see her process, I've uploaded the rough draft and pencil line stage here - - I had a lot of fun in describing the commission (though I just now realize I've missed a few details like Harry's bandages, sorry!) so I really am happy it has your approval. :)