27 November 2011

Deleted Scene Episode 5

Warnings: Very un-edited.Takes place some time between chapter 11 and 12.
Naruto opened the door to the apartment carefully, feeling a little awkward when he entered the large empty apartment. He removed his sandals after a moment of hesitation, slipped the key in to his pocket and moved towards the kitchen.
He paused at the entrance to the kitchen, and looked up at the photographs on the wall. He slid his eyes away immediately, entered the kitchen and moved to the refrigerator.
The cool air from the fridge created goosebumps on his arms but he sighed at the slight relief from the outside heat. But then he gaped as he looked at the inside of the fridge.
Every inch of space was filled with all sorts of boxes.
Naruto recognized boxes from all sorts of restaurants- the barbeque place, the sushi store, some other seafood joint and most importantly the cake store. He immediately reached for one of the cake boxes, but a fluttering piece of paper on a plastic box caught his eye.
He pulled out the box, stared at the bright paper, squinted at it and read out loud, “Fried Omlette, reheat for two minutes, put some more salt before eating. The pepper is in the cabinet above the sink.”
Naruto pulled out another random box from the fridge and found another note affixed to the top. The more he looked, the more he realized that every box in the fridge had instructions for preparing it and eating.
Nii-san's handwriting is horrible. Naruto mused as he pulled another container out and pulled it's paper closer to his face. Then he remembered the bandages. I see! It's because his hands are hurt. Otherwise his handwriting would be super awesome. Definitely way better than mine.
Satisfied with his selection of five different containers, all with food that he was sure his nii-san had actually made, Naruto finally closed the fridge.
As he reheated the food according to the instructions, Naruto's mind filled with an unpleasant thought. Wait, before I came here to talk to him, he was going to give his key to those annoying guys. Izumo and Kotetsu.
He looked down at the home-made food feeling more than a little irritated. He made this for them? Even the notes on top?
Just for that, I won't let them have any. Naruto nodded to himself, content with that plan, as he pulled out a plate and took generous helpings of everything and moved to the dining table.
As he sat down, he caught a glimpse of the photos on the wall. He grinned up and said, “Itadakimasu”
After taking a couple of bites, the lack of noise around him finally made him look back up at the photographs.
“Nii-san's cooking is awesome, obaa-san,” Naruto said, looking at Harii's mother, as he took another bite. “I can't make anything than ramen.”
The photos just smiled back at him.
“Of course, ramen isn't bad. But nii-san's cooking is nice.” Naruto turned away from the picture happily and took another bite. When he swallowed he turned back to the photograph. “I wonder if he got his cooking skills from oji-san or you.”
“Unless...” He looked between both of Harii's parents critically. “Both of you couldn't cook at all.”
Naruto snorted and finished the last of his food. “I'll probably just have to ask him when he comes back.” He placed the dishes in the sink. “All right, time for cake.”
Naruto opened the fridge and grabbed one of the cake boxes. He frowned slightly when he noticed a note on top, but grinned when he finally read it.
For Naruto only.

I never actually planned on creating a scene like this- I never wrote any such scene for the actual story. In a way this could be considered more of an omake- but I think it came out as more of a deleted scene.
Anyway, the only deleted scene I had planned on putting up before uploading chapter 13 was a multiple PoV one sometime in Dec.

But then Duchessa sent me this picture--->
which I'm pretty sure has mystical powers in it. Not only did I stare at it like a creep every time I could (getting all warm and gooey inside) for a good amount of time, but then the above scene sort of popped up in my head. 

I don't know about the rest of you but my favorite part of the picture has to be Hedwig. It's almost like she's supervising those two- making sure they act all brotherly and stuff. ("If you're not nice to him, I'll peck you!")

So thank you once again, Duchessa, for the picture. And thanks to glockgal, the artist that Duchessa commisioned to have this picture drawn, for such an awesome piece of work.

If any of you want to see more of glockgal's artwork- be sure to check out her gallery here and her journal here.


P.S. Omg, end of November- and I have like 5 more chapters (6,7,11, 12 & 14) that need to be written for my NaNoWriMo challenge. Darn my horrendous all-over-the-place style of writing.
P.P.S. If this deleted scene made you all warm and gooey, then I have irrefutable proof about the picture's powers.


  1. Love the omake!  It's always nice how you have Harry show he cares when it comes to Naruto.

    When it comes to the picture I can't look away from the toes.... I half expect one of them to step on some of the cake and complain about how it'll take forever to clean it out from between those toes... *shrug* maybe I'm just being wierd..

    Oh and talking about Owls... this video was put up on Huffington post recently... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G1PFLuTrgM  Lots of owls and the one at the beginning is so cute... I had a Parrot that would do the same exact thing when petted.  Thought you might like it.

  2. The owl that's being petted is insanely adorable! My birds would probably bite me if I petted them for too long (fussy little things who don't like being bothered).

    Cake between their toes? Lol, well it would be possible if there was a lot of cake left by the time the stood up. It seems to me (in that pic, at least) that they'd just eat the whole thing in one sitting- or they'd have a food fight,I can't be entirely sure.
