09 December 2014

AC_D9: A bit of Sakura

This is a plotbunny about Sakura that has been pestering me every since Kaguya first appeared in the manga.

I've got a bunch of idea notes written for how the plot could go but I only have a tiny bit of a rough draft written.

Even so, I hope you enjoy it and the possibilities it hints at.

Warnings: Short and plothole ridden.
“You would be a vessel,” the woman said. “The perfect vessel for me.”
There was a tinge of, god why did it have to be a vessel thing again. Wasn't Orochimaru enough? Did he get that whole thing from this she-demon?
“How am I the perfect vessel for you?” Sakura said, convinced that prolonging the conversation would give her an idea- any idea- on how to deal with this new madness.
“With you I'll be able to access every aspect of power. You have control and you understand the need for this.”
Sakura stayed silent.
“They refuse to listen. They think they are so special.” The woman's voice slid through her mind, her soft words filled with dark promise. “But we can make them bow.”
Sakura admitted it was a very tempting thought.
Sasuke and Naruto obliterated Madara's possessed body.
“Look at how easily they were deceived,” the woman said. “They only see what they want to see. And we can use that to our advantage. They won't know. They won't expect us. We can win, together.”
Sakura took a deep breath, thinking over her options. “Okay.”

Personally, I think Sakura would make an awesome tyrant ruler.  

But my ideas are more of a heroic Sakura who traps Kaguya inside her and then goes on a long solitary journey to fix things. Obviously things don't go according to plan and Sakura becomes the most dangerous person in existence.

If there's already a story like this somewhere, please send me the link.

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